“I will defend myself with all my strength” – 2024-03-31 15:15:56

by times news cr

2024-03-31 15:15:56

Campos also took the opportunity to launch harsh attacks against the Foundation for Confidence for making public the judicial action against him, directly summoning José Andrés Murillo.

Cristián Campos responded to the complaint for sexual abuse against him filed by the Fundación para la Confianza.

The organization points to him as the author of abuses against Raffaella di Girolamo, daughter of Claudia di Girolamo, events that would have lasted for nearly four years, when the woman was 13 years old.

Given this, the Machos actor flatly rejected the accusations against him, calling them “abject.”

“Never, ever in my 67 years of life, have I felt any sexual attraction towards minors. I find the topic degrading and disgusting. “I have been a good father, a good uncle and godfather, and I have always shared and lived with nieces, sons and daughters of friends, girlfriends and relatives,” he stated in a public statement.

Cristián Campos stressed that “there has never been any hint of doubt, testimony or suspicion regarding the rectitude of my conduct with minors. On the contrary. I have always maintained healthy relationships, trust and mutual affection. The painful thing is that it is very difficult to defend oneself against an accusation as abject as this.”

Along these lines, he stressed that he will defend himself in court against complaints against him for sexual abuse so that “he does not go unpunished.”

“In the face of this disgusting and harmful injustice, I will defend myself with all my strength“Not only for me, but for my family, my friends and all those who have expressed their deep support to me at this time, so that this injustice, which has caused us so much pain, does not go unpunished,” he said.

Campos shoots at Fundación para la Confianza and appeals to María José Prieto

Campos also took the opportunity to launch harsh attacks against the Foundation for Confidence for making public the judicial action against him, directly summoning José Andrés Murillo.

“I consider that social networks are not the appropriate platform for a foundation that addresses such delicate issues to air its information. Above all, if the affected party has not been judicially notified. Mr. Murillo – who knows these issues closely – should know that there are always families behind them, and show more empathy, delicacy and respect.”

Along with this, the theater director also appealed to the abuse suffered by his wife, María José Prieto, to question the work of the organization.

“I have experienced firsthand, through my in-laws, the pain and benefit of reporting abuse. But I also know of cases in which the issue lends itself to carrying out acts of injustice against innocent men. “The Trust Foundation creates distrust in my life story, and in the process, re-victimizes my wife, who did experience real episodes of abuse,” he stated.

Gender violence: if you are a victim or witness of economic, psychological, obstetric, physical or sexual violence, you can receive free and confidential guidance at number 1455 of the National Service for Women and Gender Equality (SernamEG). You can also call +569 9700 7000 or the Safe Report Phone: 600 400 0101. If you need psychological, social or legal support, these are the Women’s Centers throughout the country.

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