Revenge porn, already assembled with artificial intelligence, is being released en masse abroad – 2024-03-31 15:24:57

by times news cr

2024-03-31 15:24:57

In its Saturday feature, “24 Chasa” talks about porn uploaded without the knowledge of any of the participants, often in Telegram groups. This text is for cases abroad.

  • Victims kill themselves after footage is released
  • A woman sued that she was filmed without her knowledge, it turned out to be a setup

Revenge porn is also widely shared abroad on chat rooms, websites, even social networks. And the latest hit is not abandoned jealous people playing the shots, but creating them with the help of artificial intelligence.

The first such videos began to be uploaded in the middle of the first decade of the century. Popular adult sites are used where one can upload videos by himself. In the footage, the intimate scenes are apparently voluntary. In those years, the quality of the clips was quite low, and amateur videos were not watched much. Thus, victims often do not understand what happened. Complaints are few and far between, and the sites themselves have focused on taking porn to big production houses looking for copyright. When they found out about the problem – at the beginning of the last decade, they created special subpages for reporting such porn clips and photos.

And users are finding new ways to share the footage. They do it in secret Facebook groups. One of the most popular is the American military. They put their ex-partners in it. The group was discovered only in 2015, and was created 4 years earlier. Only then was it closed by Facebook. But it is quite possible that a new one was founded to replace it.

The largest known such group is titled “Revenge Porn – Australia”. It had over 1.3 million members before it was discovered and closed. There were also over 5 million photos and videos of different women. It was established in 2018. During the pandemic, however, it saw a large increase in members and new staff. In 2020 alone, Australia saw a 245 percent jump in revenge porn. In an attempt to deal with the problem, the Australian government released an additional $10 million budget for the company eSafety, which maintains a team of Internet moderators.

Even before the pandemic, however, revenge porn had become so popular worldwide that countries such as Italy, Israel, Germany, England, 40 of the 50 US states plus the District of Columbia and Australia passed specific legislation against it.

There is no such regulatory framework in Bulgaria. Therefore, the authors are prosecuted under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code. It literally reads: Whoever creates, exhibits, presents, broadcasts, offers, sells, rents or in any other way distributes pornographic material, shall be punished by imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of one thousand to three thousand BGN.

Often, the victims of such shots close in on themselves. And some, like the Italian Tiziana Cantone, even commit suicide. The Neapolitan woman became a victim of sex footage in 2015. She made them herself with her new boyfriend. To show the old man that she forgot him, she sent him several clips. She also released them to friends, her goal was for them to see that she was having fun and not thinking about her ex. However, he got angry and uploaded them on the Internet. Cantone first tried to stop the footage, and then put out a request not to appear in Internet searches with her name – the so-called right to be forgotten by search engines. She also changes her name, as well as the city in which she lives. He also had to pay 20,000 euros to several porn sites. The reason – in the clips, you can clearly hear how she agrees to be photographed, and the footage is distributed. In 2018, Cantone could not stand the pressure and committed suicide. Her mother is still fighting to delete the footage, but it is easily found online.

Stars are also victims of such shots. For example, the clip of Paris Hilton making love to her ex-boyfriend, filmed by him, became a hit. In the end, the hotel heiress had to conclude a contract for the distribution of the clip – it had already seen the light of day, at least to make money, her lawyers advised her.

And other stars such as Jennifer Lawrence fell victim to hackers who breached their i-cloud accounts. Thus, a number of photos of the blonde, in which she masturbates, makes oral love and a number of other sexual scenes, appeared on the network.

In the last year, the creation of porn with the help of artificial intelligence has been a hit. The most common victim is the megastar of world music Taylor Swift. Fake footage of the radiant blonde in red lipstick making oral love and other alleged sexual experiences circulated widely on Twitter at the beginning of the year. However, Miss Swift’s many fans reacted immediately. They created the #ProtectTaylorSwift movement. Twitter also took measures and stopped all results for the most popular word combinations used to create the mints with the beauty.

And while before there were still nude shots of stars – more often photos, and now also videos, then artificial intelligence hit ordinary people as well. In just 5 minutes, porn can be generated with the face of any person. And there is also a specialist program that even adds specific marks such as tattoos. Thus, fakes become indistinguishable from real footage. And a man even had to prove that he used artificial intelligence to make it clear that he did not film his ex during sex. This came after Giorgia Franco sued that she was photographed without her consent.

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