25058/29.3.2024 Minimum wage

by time news

No. 25058/2024

Determination of minimum wage and minimum daily wage for employees and artisans throughout the country.

(Government Gazette B 1974/29.3.2024)



Taking into consideration:

1. Article 26 of Law 5085/2024 “Sanction of the Legislative Content Act from 11.12.2023 “Emergency measures prohibiting the sale of tickets and the presence of spectators at football matches for imperative reasons of protection of public order and security” (A’ 203) – Download measures to prevent and deal with violence in the context of sports meetings and other regulations under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports” (A’ 17).

2. Articles 134 and 134B of the p.d. 80/2022 “Individual Labor Law Code” (A’ 222).

3. Article 103 of Law 4172/2013 “Income taxation, urgent measures to implement Law 4046/2012, Law 4093/2012 and Law 4127/2013 and other provisions” (A’ 167) and in particular the paragraph b of paragraph 7 thereof.

4. The second article of Law 4564/2018 “Sanction of the Donation Agreement between the Stavros S. Niarchos Charitable Foundation and the Greek State for the strengthening and upgrading of the infrastructure in the Health sector and other provisions” (A’ 170 ).

5. Article 2 of Law 4690/2020 “Sanction: a) of

13.4.2020 Legislative Content Act “Measures to deal with the ongoing consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and other urgent provisions” (A’ 84) and b) of the Legislative Content Act from 1.5.2020 “Further measures to deal with the ongoing consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and the return to social and economic normality” (A’ 90) and other provisions” (A’ 104).

6. Article 24 of Law 4722/2020 “Sanction: a) of the 10.8.2020 Act of Legislative Content “Emergency arrangements for dealing with emergency needs of the National Health System, protection against the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, support for the labor market and facilitating the educational process” (A’ 157) and b) of the Legislative Content Act of 22.8.2020 “Emergency measures to strengthen urban transport, the supply of personal protective equipment and the recruitment of school cleaning staff, the support of tourist businesses and the labor market and the strengthening of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection to deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, as well as the support of the flood victims of Evia who were affected during the floods of August 8 and 9, 2020″ (A’ 161 ) and other provisions to deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and other urgent issues” (A’ 177).

7. Article 110 of Law 4764/2020 “Regulations for the protection of public health from the consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the strengthening of public transport, the acceleration of the awarding of pensions, the regulation of debts to the Organizations of Epic Self-Government and other urgent provisions” (A’ 256).

8. Article 60 of Law 4886/2022 “Modernization of competition law for the digital age – Amendment of Law 3959/2011 and incorporation of Directive (EU) 2019/1 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the providing powers to the competition authorities of the member states, so that they can more effectively enforce the rules and to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market and other provisions” (A’ 12).

9. Article 90 of the Code of Legislation for the Government and Governmental Bodies (p.d. 63/2005, A’ 98), which was kept in force by paragraph 22 of article 119 of Law 4622/2019 (A ‘ 133).

10. The p.d. 134/2017 “Organization of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity” (A’ 168).

11. The p.d. 77/2023 “Establishment of a Ministry and renaming of Ministries – Establishment, abolition and renaming of General and Special Secretariats – Transfer of responsibilities, service units, staff positions and supervised entities” (A’ 130).

12. The p.d. 2/2024 “Appointment of Ministers and Deputy Ministers” (A’ 2).

13. The under no. 4906/17.1.2023 decision of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs “Establishment and appointment of members of the Three-member Coordination Committee for the Minimum Wage” (AD: 6ΔΒ546MTLK-ΛΥ9), as amended and valid today with the no. 8295/2.2.2024 (AD: 6N3Y46NLDG-Εξ2) similar ministerial decision.

14. The under no. co. 13743/15.2.2022 joint decision of the Ministers of Finance, Development and Investments, Labor and Social Affairs “Establishment, composition and appointment of members of the Committee of Independent Experts in matters of economy, labor economy, social policy and labor relations of article 103 of n 4172/2013 (A’ 167)” (AD: 6Θ6Λ46MTLK-ΘΤΥ).

15. The invitations from 5.2.2024 of the Coordination Committee of the consultation to the Bank of Greece, ELSTAT, DYPA, INE-GSEE, IME-GSEVEE, IOBE, INSETE, KEPE, OMED and ^EMY – ESEE for drawing up a report on the evaluation of the current statutory minimum wage and daily wage with estimates for their adaptation to the current economic conditions, according to sub-para. aa’ of para. b’ of par. 5 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167) and para. a’ of article 134B of the p.d. 80/2022 (A’ 222).

16. The reports of the Bank of Greece, ELSTAT, DYPA, INE-GSEE, IME-GSEVEE, IOBE, INSETE, KEPE, OMED and ^EMY-ESEE, which were forwarded to the Coordination Committee of the consultation , according to subsection aa’ of para. b’ of par. 5 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167), as also applies to para. b of article 134B of the p.d. 80/2022 (A’ 222).

17. The under no. 28/20.2.2024 letter of the Coordinating Committee of the consultation to the social partners (GSEE, SEV, GSEVEE, ESEE, SETE and SBE) for the expression of their opinion on the reports, with the submission of a memorandum and, at their discretion, the documentation for the readjustment of the applicable statutory minimum wage and daily wage, in accordance with sub-para. bb’ of para. b’ of par. 5 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013, as applicable.

18. The memoranda and documentation of the GSEE, the SEV, the GSEVEE, the ESEE of the SETE and the SBE for the adjustment of the applicable statutory minimum wage and daily wage, which were submitted to the Coordination Committee of the consultation, in accordance with sub-para. bb’ of para. b’ of par. 5 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167).

19. The under no. 29/21.2.2024 invitation of the Coordinating Committee of the consultation to the social partners (GSEE, SEV, GSEVEE, ESEE, SETE and SBE) for an oral consultation, according to subsection c’ of para. b’ of par. 5 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167), as also applies to para. c’ of article 134B of the p.d. 80/2022 (A’ 222).

20. From 26.2.2024 the oral consultation of the social partners who responded to the above invitation (GSEE, SEV, GSEVEE, ESEE, SETE and SBE), on which minutes were kept by the Coordination Committee of the consultation.

21. The under no. 36/29.2.2024 letter of the Coordination Committee of the consultation to the KEPE, with which the reports of the above specialized scientific and research bodies, the memoranda and documentation of the consulted social partners and the minutes of the oral consultation were forwarded and the KEPE was invited, to cooperation with the Committee of Independent Experts, for the drafting of a Draft Consultation Conclusion, in accordance with sub-para. d’ of para. b’ of par. 5 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167) as also applies to para. d of article 134B of the p.d. 80/2022 (A’ 222).

22. The 15.3.2024 Draft Consultation Conclusion of the Center for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE) in collaboration with the Committee of Independent Experts, which was drawn up in accordance with subsection dd’ of para. b’ of par. 5 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167), as also applies to para. e’ of article 134B of the p.d. 80/2022 (A’ 222).

23. The under no. 39/15.3.2024 document of the Coordinating Committee of the consultation, with which the completion of the process was established and submitted to the Minister of National Economy and Finance and the Minister of Labor and Social Security the 15.3.2024 Draft Conclusion of the KEPE Consultation in cooperation with the Committee of Independent Experts, in accordance with the subsections e’ and fst’ of paragraph b of paragraph 5 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167).

24. The state of the Greek economy and its prospects for growth in terms of productivity, prices, and competitiveness, employment, the unemployment rate, incomes and wages, in accordance with par. 3 of article 103 of the 4172/2013.

25. The assent of the Council of Ministers from 29.3.2024, following the recommendation of the Minister of Labor and Social Security, in accordance with para. a of par. 7 of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167) as applicable of paragraph f of article 134B of the p.d. 80/2022 (A’ 222), which is reflected in the PYS 6/29.3.2024.

26. The under no. 25019/29.3.2024 report on financial impacts of the General Directorate of Financial Services of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, in accordance with paragraph 5 of article 24 of Law 4270/2014 “Principles of fiscal management and supervision (incorporation of Directive 2011/85/ EU) – public accounting and other provisions” (A’ 143).

27. The fact that the provisions herein do not cause an expense to the state budget but an increase in revenue in the e-EFKA, EOPYY and DYPA budget of an estimated amount of 219.6 million euros per year, which is analyzed as follows: According to data from the current situation of PS ERGANI, in a total of 2,485,842 employed employees and artisans, with different employment status (full/part-time/rotational), a percentage of 29% is paid with wages up to the amount of the new minimum wage or daily wage. Also, according to e-EFKA, for each percentage point (1%) increase in the minimum wage, the insurable earnings increase, approximately, by 140 million euros on an annual basis.
The increase of the minimum wage and the minimum daily wage by 6.41%, i.e. from €780 to €830 and from €34.84 to €37.07, with an average contribution rate of 36.16%, over 14 months, leads to annual increase of insurable earnings by 897.4 million euros and consequently to an estimated annual increase in the income of the above entities amounting to 324.5 million euros.
There is also an expense to the budget of the above bodies (e-EFKA, EOPYY and DYPA) from the increase in the amounts paid for the unemployment benefit and those benefits linked to the minimum wage or daily wage, estimated at 104.9 million euros, as well as an increase of the costs of the employment programs that are linked to the minimum wage or daily wage, which however cannot be calculated as it depends on the number of programs, the beneficiaries and the duration of each program, we decide:

The determination, in accordance with the provisions of article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A’ 167), of the legal minimum wage and the legal minimum daily wage, for full-time employment, for employees and artisans throughout the country, without age discrimination, as follows:

a) For employees, the minimum salary is set at eight hundred and thirty euros (€830.00).

b) For artisans, the minimum daily wage is set at thirty-seven euros and seven minutes (€37.07).

This decision is valid from April 1, 2024.

This decision to be published in the Government Gazette.

Athens, March 29, 2024

The Minister


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