The murder of Brigitte García revives concern among mayors over threats – 2024-04-01 20:40:12

by times news cr

2024-04-01 20:40:12

After the murder of Brigitte García, the youngest mayor of Ecuador, Last Sunday, March 24, the shadow of the threat once again loomed over the mayors, especially in the coastal provinces.

In fact, just one day later, another attack took place in Balzar, in Guayas, on March 25, when the house by Mayor Galo Meza was subject to 65 shots. Faced with this situation, Meza urgently requested police protection.

The situation is critical, says the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador (AME), as it points out that 20 members of mayors, councilors and administrative staff have been victims of homicide since 2023. In addition, from García, Agustín Intriago (+), mayor of Manta, was also murdered in July of last year; while 12 have received attacks.

Today, according AME, 15 have police protection, however, more than 45 have requested protection without receiving a response so far. Here the details.

Mayors on the Coast are in more danger

A risk analysis is what is required to ensure the safety of the 221 mayors serving in Ecuadorassures the executive director of the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador (AME), Homero Castanier, in interview with Ecuavisa: «That will give us the possibility of identify early warnings, possible threats, possible extortion calls, possible mafias.

In the same line, Castanier, asks the Government to take the Mayors into account in the Security plan to articulate actions, and that it be summoned to the State Security Council: “When we can even support that plan to be effective.” Castanier details that the key role of the municipality in the recovery of public spaces, recovery of the social fabric through public policies.

Mayor Brigitte García had not requested security, nor had any alerts been raised about her security, she says Castanier.

In that sense, he explains that some of the mayors have had to resort to hiring private security; Currently there would be 45 municipal authorities waiting for protection.

“We have not yet received a response, we hope it will be immediate”

Given this situation, the Association has urged the Government to evaluate the need for protection for mayors who operate in the areas most affected by violence, especially in provinces of the Costa.

How is police security managed for authorities?

These municipal leaders hThey have managed their security through the Ministry of the Interiorwhere a risk analysis is carried out to determine the assignment of police personnel in charge of your protection.

According to this, the percentage of risk is qualified to know if public security support is justified for the authority that requests it.

«The work scenario for some mayors is extremely difficult, since they are forced to wear bulletproof vests and helmets, with machine guns around them. “This situation really makes municipal management in the country difficult.”

By: Ecuavisa

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