OCEAN-MAN – VICTOR HUGO | Freedom – 2024-04-01 21:25:07

by times news cr

2024-04-01 21:25:07

Chingiz Sultansoy

On May 22, the day of death and remembrance

Victor-Marie Hugo, 2.02.1802 – 22.05.1885, classic of French and world literature, great French prose writer,
poet, playwright, journalist, publicist. Yes, journalist and publicist too.
His father was a general of Napoleon’s army, and one of his relatives – the degree of kinship is different
sources say different versions – he was an officer of the elite unit, the cavalry cuirassier division of the Imperial Guard, who died in the famous battle of Waterloo. Not only he, but almost the entire guard perished. The writer recounts the famous episodes of the famous last battle of the emperor, including the failure of the attack of the Napoleonic guard, due to his own mistakes and intelligence, and the fact that a large division galloped on all fours, and a third of them fell into a wide and very deep ravine, 4 meters deep, invisible from the outside in the tall grass, and crushed each other. , in his novel, he described his thinning and his inability to win when he reached the British trenches. This failed attack is one of the reasons for Napoleon’s defeat in the most important, vital battle, and ultimately his loss of the throne, if not the most important…

To his father, who was Napoleon’s general, to his relative, who was an officer, the emperor as soon as he came to power
Despite disarming and disbanding his guard, the king awarded the 16-year-old Victor a scholarship for his literary talent. It should be noted that a couple of years ago, under the influence of his mother, who was a royalist – a supporter of the king, the teenage Victor wrote a eulogy to the king. His mother had already separated from his father and married another general. This is also a talent of a woman – when she gets married, she gets married only with generals, not with majors or colonels. The royal stipend was not a charity stipend like the current 200-300 dollars, but an important and important sum worthy of the name of the king…

From this it can be concluded that among the real kings of 200 years ago in the present claim to the kingdom
There were more generous and compassionate presidents.

Although he was not a noble, he was of a privileged lineage – his mother was the daughter of a ship owner – under such patronage of the king
however, after he reached adulthood and began to lose his mind, Victor Hugo did not remain indifferent to the state of the country, the people, the happenings, he said “I am a writer”, he did not shy away, he expressed his position and came to the camp against the king and the monarchy.

With his pen, not to the king, but to truth, justice, “backward”, “not yet ripe for democracy”,
Hugo, who truly serves the common people, is clearly and decisively political in the history of French and world literature
positional, not a supporter of the king-emperor, but the owner of a great pen, an important ideologist, of the property of hearts
remained as a ruler and a great personality.

Bowing, bowing, bowing to the king or emperor is a norm, a subject in the age of ancient tradition.
no, to be a citizen, not to be flattered, not to be flattered, these things to the personality
not to hide, to say and write what you think is not only sacrifice, but heroism.

It is France, it is Europe, those who spread the lie that “all the great poets of Azerbaijan were court poets and wrote hymns”, either do not consider Nasimi a great poet, or maybe they do not know about her existence. I’m not surprised…

Not only against the king, but also against Napoleon’s nephew, about fifty years old,
Victor Hugo, who fought in the barricades with a gun, after the defeat of the Republicans in the country
situation, when there is a specific threat, he emigrated – to England, to the country that is his eternal enemy, France. Writers on the edge of the throne at that time, slanderers, in today’s language, trolls, probably wrote the accusations of “he was afraid and ran away to emigration”, “he is begging for money from the British”, “you will die of envy”.
But Hugo neither envied nor kissed, he did not live a rich life in London, six or seven years after leaving
with his own money, he bought an old, private house in the English Channel, on the island of Guernsey, in a cheap place, in his attic
he made himself a cabinet, placed his desk in front of the window and wrote. A world like “Les Miserables”.
the most powerful and most famous novels, including the gem of his literature, such as protest against the monarchy,
Full of democratic spirit, “Laughing Man” was written in that cabinet, on that table.
The second name of England is “Misty Albion”, the land of mists in every sense. Two islands in the English Channel, Jersey and Guernsey, are considered the foggiest places in England. The mists of Jersey Island were well depicted in the 2001 film The Others, which was dedicated to a completely different subject – people who live in an old mansion on this island, whose ghosts haunt the mansion after death. Those who saw it should remember it, those who didn’t see it should watch it, it was a chilling, high-level thriller starring Hollywood star Nicole Kidman.
I’m off topic, sorry.

Sometimes, on sunny days, when the fog clears, there is Hugo’s desk in front of the mansard
from his window across the strait “La belle France” – “Le bel France” – the far shores of “Beautiful France”
appeared. Hugo looked at and wrote about those shores that appeared from time to time. Beautiful homeland!.. Staying in exile for 19 years

Nineteen years…

His works, novels and articles were printed and sold in French-speaking Belgium, they were smuggled to France and read.
The genius writer whom the French called “ocean-man” did not live alone in exile, his legal wife Adeline is in her place, her lover Juliette Drue, a well-known actress, – before Hugo, a courtesan, that is, kept by men,
It is also said that she is a woman who lives on accounts – a city like Paris, although not the most proud of the capital
leaving his society, the theater scene where he played and was known, he came to Guernsey
lived a simple life together in that private house. Horror, they lived without marriage, even more horror – Viktor was cheating on his wife in front of her eyes! Even more terrible – they all lived in the same house, the French ladies agreed to be two wives of one man, like ordinary Azerbaijani idiot provincial women!.. Wow, let’s curse Victor, let’s not consider him a writer, let’s not read, let’s not mention his name at all… )
True love, true love is like the couple of Victor Hugo-Juliette Drue, who are not separated from each other for fifty years, who are more than lovers! A true writer conquers the heart of the woman he loves with an apartment, scholarship, or jewels obtained by flattery, but not with money, but with his talent, the power and style of his personality, and his fame. Check out our writers and actresses to understand their weaknesses. There is impersonal talent, yes, even a lot, but what can it create, who needs it, even if it exists?
Hugo returned to France with great fame and influence, as a winner, and was again elected to the parliament.
The funeral of Victor Hugo, who died at the age of 83, took 10 days, and 1 million people came to say goodbye…

Not only me, but the courage to think and write independently in Azerbaijan and emigration
the example of all penmen who continue, do not bend, do not sell, do not break, do not keep silent, piri,
You are a teacher, Master!

I bow before the bright memory!


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