MANUSCRIPTBelsunce case. Nicolás Pachelo, from prison: “They sentenced an innocent man to die while alive and I do not intend to remain silent anymore”By José María Costa

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Nicolás Pachelo, sentenced on Wednesday to life imprisonment for the murder of María Marta García Belsunce, published today a letter in his own handwriting in which he questioned the ruling of Chamber I of the Buenos Aires Court of Criminal Cassation that revoked the acquittal that had benefited him. The chambermaids found him guilty of the murder that occurred in the country Carmel, where on October 27, 2002, the sociologist was found dead with five bullets to the head.

On Wednesday at noon, Pachelo was transferred from Unit 12 of Gorina, an open regime establishment, to a maximum security prison in La Plata. The accused murderer did not receive the sentence well. He was convinced that, at any moment, his acquittal would be confirmed in the second instance and that he would order his release, according to what he was able to reconstruct. THE NATION.

Four days after being housed in Prison No. 9 in La Plata and after chats he had with his lawyer in which he “said goodbye” became known, Pachelo published a letter that was accessed by LA NACION, through his lawyer, Raquel Pérez Iglesias.

This letter is addressed to everyone, to those who judge me without knowing or with what they think they know about the murder of Mrs. García Belsunce. I am, was and will be innocent“, says in the first paragraph the manuscript addressed to “Argentine society.”

Then he adds: “These 22 years I decided to defend myself judicially because I believed in Justice. My media silence harmed me personally and as a family. Especially to my children, in their schools, universities and in life itself.”

“They sentenced an innocent man to die while alive and I will not remain silent anymore,” Pachelo continues in the two-page letter and adds: “I am fighting together with my lawyers against a part of the corrupt and perverse Judiciary.”

According to the 47-year-old man, defended by Raquel Pérez Iglesias: “We don’t have judge friends. We defend ourselves with the truth, with evidence. Maybe that’s not what justice is about... Not only did they convict an innocent man to cover up 20 years of judicial atrocities, they ruined the life of an entire family, they turned the father of three children into a murderer even though he was innocent. How can they sleep peacefully?” .

They have even taken away my will to live, they broke my spirit and my faith. Judge Fernando Mancini and Judge Florencia Budiño have sentenced an innocent man“, Pachelo assures in the writing, whose second page begins with the subtitle: “Unjust-justice.”

The condemned man remembers and lists: “In the last 20 years there were 3 trials for the death of Mrs. García Belsunce. Approximately 20 judges from different instances participated. They have condemned the family for cover-up, including Carrascosa. They have convicted Carrascosa of murder and have acquitted him. They have acquitted me and now they have convicted me. This is not a play on words, it is the García Belsunce cause itself.”

“With the same evidence, from 2002 to the present, all of us, according to justice, were guilty and we were also innocent. “Absurd?” Pachelo asks himself and adds: “There is great corruption in Justice, we all know that.”

The letter closes: “I am going to speak with evidence. One of the chambermaids who voted for Carrascosa’s acquittal is former judge Martín Ordoqui, the first judge dismissed and ‘detained’ of Cassation ‘for favoring convicted persons in exchange for money’. I speak with evidence. “They condemned me without them, being ‘innocent’.”

The complete letter

What does the camera failure say?

Judges Budiño and Mancini, in their ruling, validated the minority’s damning verdict. [el voto de Federico Ecke, presidente del Tribunal Oral en lo Criminal N°4 de San Isidro] “Regarding the fact that harmed García Belsunce, with the scope established by the public prosecutor during the trial, the expanded subsumption is marginalized.”, while the executive intervention of the accused Pachelo has been demonstrated.” On the other hand, Osvaldo Rossi and Esteban Andrejin, the other two magistrates, favored acquittal.

For Budiño and Mancini, it was proven that “Pachelo entered the property located in Santa Lucía without a number in the Carmel neighborhood, where García Belsunce and Carrascosa resided.and while he was developing his criminal plan inside the house, María Marta was warned of the presence of the intruder on the upper floor of the house, in order to ensure his impunity due to the victim’s knowledge of him, she proceeded to deliver fist blows to her face and body, and then, with the unequivocal desire to kill her in search of impunity, shoot her six times with the weapon she was carrying, a 32 caliber revolver, at the victim, one of them caused a superficial injury (rebound) in the area of ​​the cranial vault, while the remaining five were carried out at close range, one of which caused a blunt perforating injury with a skull fracture and the remaining four impacted the ear. left”.

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