false beliefs that arise from the events of the nephew

by time news

We have already faced this in the past posts that are so click-bait that they generate real hoaxesas we had the opportunity to see on Easter day with the alleged farewell to Lino Banfi who died today. In short, according to the reports that have reached us in these hours, it would seem that false beliefs have been generated which actually arise from a tragic event that characterized the actor’s life. It all revolves around a serious loss in the family.

The farewell to Lino Banfi who died today has been denied: Easter legends that arise from the events of his nephew

Unlike than what was reported a few months agowhen we came across similar rumors this time mourning does not involve the equally serious loss of his wifebut the events of Grandchild. Yes, because not everyone knows that a few years ago the young man, just eighteen years old, decided to take his own life by throwing himself into the void. An event that profoundly affected Lino Banfi himself and, precisely for this reason, some of the titles of articles read on the web at the end of March 2024 appear shameful.

In some circumstances the actor also spoke about it publicly, not without emotion. And this makes the decision of some newspapers to bring home clicks even more condemnable, leaving people to believe that today the rumor about Lino Banfi’s death could be true. In short, only by opening the article in question does one discover that in reality the farewell on the historical face of Italian television concerns a loss in the family.

The time would come give us a break with this click-bait strategy that has very little to do with ethics, given that today many have believed the story of Lino Banfi’s death. You bring home visits by focusing on clickbait via social media, but you lose face, given that the intent of these pieces appears clear even to those who are not experts in the sector. We, obviously, limit ourselves to denying everyone.

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