José Castelo Branco explosive! Rape, passions for men and the reasons for dressing as a woman – Ferver

by time news

José Castelo Branco gave an interview to Manuel Luís Goucha, on TVI’s “Conta-me” program, where he opened the book about various topics in his life. One of the most controversial points came when he revealed that he has fallen in love with men, but is unable to get involved with them, as he feels traumatized after an alleged rape he suffered as a child.

The socialite explained his trademark: dressing as a woman. “That’s how good I feel. I was so traumatized, even as a child, by people calling me sissy, beto, Maria girl, betinha, lulu… I was so traumatized and suffered so much bullying who one day said: ‘Enough!'”. José Castelo Branco also added: “I was the pioneer, in this country, to pave the way for everyone to feel free. Today I am proud when I see people free.”

Betty Grafstein was another of the topics discussed with Manuel Luís Goucha and the socialite admitted that he was panicked when his wife had to be hospitalized when they recently arrived in Portugal. And that he is not prepared for Betty’s death.”I push for her as much as I can, I try to push for her as much as I can. Betty brought me everything, she brought me the light I needed. I was suffering a lot from my divorce. I never show that I’m fragile. No I can, I have to fight until the end. If I go down, Betty goes down”, added José Castelo Branco.

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