The prosecution for rape of TV star Steve Milatos has been dropped – 2024-04-02 09:52:12

by times news cr

2024-04-02 09:52:12

Albanian citizen sentenced to 13 years in prison for raping a 70-year-old woman in Patmos

The alleged victim, a citizen of England, has withdrawn the lawsuit she filed for rape against the 30-year-old TV star and influencer Stefanos (Steve) Milatos of Georgiou.
She submitted the request for retraction herself on the grounds that the publicity of the case would cause her mental stress and irreparable damage.
For this reason, moreover, at the request of the District Attorney, the trial continued behind closed doors and she recommended the suspension of the prosecution against him.
The Court unanimously sided with the prosecutor’s proposal. It should be noted that, based on the relevant legislation, criminal prosecution is carried out ex officio, but if the victim declares that he does not wish to be prosecuted, the public prosecutor can definitively refrain from criminal prosecution or, if it has been brought, introduce the case to the competent court council, which can permanently stop the criminal prosecution considering the victim’s statement that the publicity from the criminal prosecution will result in his serious mental injury.
It is noted that upon the reading of the court’s decision, persons close to the accused applauded him, resulting in the reaction of the District Attorney who emphasized that the audience is not reality and made it clear to the accused that due to its readability, he also has an increased responsibility. We remind you that the Rhodes Misdemeanor Council did not adopt the recommendation of the Rhodes Misdemeanor Prosecutor for his discharge and referred to trial the 30-year-old man, a model, known for his participation in the reality show Big Brother, but also – previously – in a morning show on Greek television, who was arrested after an English woman complained of rape, whom he met while working at the reception of a health care store in Lindos.
The defendant’s defense attorneys were Mr. Stelios Alexandris, Stelios Kiourtzis and Polyxeni Chatzigianni and as defense counsel for the prosecution the lawyer Mr. Ioannis Kokkinogenis. As the complainant claimed in her testimony, on Monday 23/05/2022 during the afternoon hours, together with her friends, they decided to visit Lindos for food and entertainment. At some point, while they were exploring the narrow streets of Lindos, they passed, as he said, outside the bar where the 30-year-old worked, who invited them to treat them to a shot. They refused him and continued their walk, but a little later they returned and the 30-year-old treated them to a round of shots.
When it was time to leave, he urged them, as the complainant claims, to go to a well-known bar. The 30-year-old arrived around 01:20. Immediately, he spotted them and approached them. He first started harassing another girl in the group, according to the complaint, which was negative, and then turned to the others, asking “who will join me for five minutes?” The first time he did not accept any, however, after a while, the complainant followed him, as she said, “I assumed we would exchange some kisses or talk”, she said.
The 30-year-old, as she said, led her to a dark alley, where he began kissing her aggressively on the mouth. Quite close by was an abandoned house where he led her. Then, as she claims, he pinned her against the wall aggressively and continued to kiss her, while at the same time forcefully putting his hands on her genitals.
As she said, at that moment, all she could think about was escaping his grasp as she feared for her life. The 30-year-old allegedly forced her to perform oral sex by force and then raped her.
She asked him to leave her to go back to her friends, but he wouldn’t let her go and forced her into a fight.
He, as the young woman claims, seeing her disgust, let her go and she ran back sobbing to her friends to whom she told exactly what had happened. Then, as the complainant told the police, they left for their room, even saying that the same night she tried to hurt herself with a razor.
After calming her down, her friends then accompanied her to the Police where she filed a rape complaint.
What did the 30-year-old say in his apology?
We remind you that the 30-year-old claimed, among other things, that the complainant and her friends were talking to patrons and staff and the complainant, after asking him his name, asked for his email address on the “INSTAGRAM” application.
The complainant claims that after discussing with other men she returned and started talking to him and stroking his hair and that when he asked her if she wanted to go somewhere quieter she accepted.
Continuing his apology, he mentioned that twenty meters from the store there was a house under construction, facing other already occupied houses in the yard of which love affairs began and that she unbuttoned his pants and gave him oral sex and when he asked her to finish the love act she accepted.
The model further claimed that the act of love lasted very little as he thought he heard voices further claiming that at that time he realized his earring had fallen and told her to go to her friends and he would stay behind to look for it and since then he never saw her again. The next day, he said, he was informed that she filed a complaint against him for rape.

Albanian citizen sentenced to 13 years in prison for raping a 70-year-old woman in Patmos

The Mixed Jury Court of Rhodes imposed a 13-year prison sentence on an Albanian citizen, accused of raping a 70-year-old woman in Patmos.
The Court denied the defendant’s motions for recognition of mitigation and reduced imputation.
As the “democratic” wrote, at around 01:45 on June 9, 2023, while a 70-year-old woman was sleeping in her ground-floor house, in Skala Patmos, she felt someone open the door.
She got up and then saw someone enter her house. There was darkness in the room and he came straight at her with his mobile phone, shined it towards her and said “sit down aunty don’t talk”.
The patient asked him what he wanted and he told her not to talk and that he was holding. knife. The unknown man had his features covered, probably with a cloth, and as they wrestled with their hands, the sufferer touched a knife he was holding, probably a knife. For about five minutes they wrestled and she took off the cloth he was wearing, and then she caught hold of his face and realized that he was unshaven, with a light beard, short hair, and fine features as far as she could see. He then pressed her with both his hands on her neck and immobilized her on the couch and initially pulled her underwear and raped her. During her rape, she told him “you don’t have a girlfriend, what do you want with me, I’m a sick and old woman” and he told her “I want you, I’ve been watching you for days”.
While the act was being done, the victim did not resist, because she was afraid. The defendant told her not to talk and that in ten minutes they would be done.
Then after five minutes he ejaculated outside her vagina. After he was done he got up and told her to sit down so he could leave and also told her not to make noise and mess him up.
Then, at around 02.00 on the same day, and after the perpetrator left, she immediately called her nephew, telling him exactly what happened to her and at around 02.30 he went to her home with the Police.
The patient unreservedly recognizes the accused by his facial features and body type, by the tone of his voice, but also by the smell of his clothes which was strong and characteristic, as if from a repair shop.
DNA found on her clothes matched that of the accused.
-The Mixed Jury Court of Appeal of the Dodecanese has in the meantime found a 37-year-old Albanian national who was convicted of abusing a 25-year-old English woman, indecency and was sentenced to 5 years in prison with a suspensive effect on the appeal under the restrictive conditions of the ban on exiting the country and of his appearance once every month at the police station of his place of residence.
On July 21, 2010, at 1:30 p.m., a 25-year-old woman, who lived in the “Lothiarika” area and worked at the Thomas Cook travel agency, reported to the police of the Lindos Police Station that an unknown assailant, in the morning hours of the same day, on the beach of Pefka Lindos, taking advantage of her drunken state, forced her to have extramarital intercourse and at the same time took her wallet which contained a small amount of money.
The 25-year-old was having fun with two of her friends on the evening of July 20, 2010 at the Eclipse bar in Pefkos, where there was also a group of men, including the perpetrator.
The 25-year-old consumed a bottle of vodka with her two friends and then together with a group of 13 people decided to leave the center and go to the beach of Pefka.
Her two friends then left and she stayed with the group. Unable to identify how, when or who, the 25-year-old testified that she suddenly found herself on a beach lounger and saw a young man groping her. She woke up several hours later alone to find that her tights and underwear were down, there was blood on her underwear and €40 missing from her wallet. A passer-by put her on his motorbike and took her to her home, while previously, unable to explain what happened, he sent a message to a friend on her mobile phone. “I’m covered in blood, what happened? I am going home”.
Around 10:30 in the morning of July 21, her friend woke up and saw the message.
He was worried and immediately went to her house to see what had happened. It was then that she realized she had been raped.
Police officers investigating to locate and arrest the perpetrator determined that an Albanian national who lives in the area and often wears a black shirt with the words “ed hardy” on the back must be responsible for the rape.
The police were thus looking for a foreigner wearing the shirt in question and spotted the 24-year-old while moving in the area.
He was brought in and during his examination he confessed that he had had extramarital intercourse with the patient but claimed that she was having an affair with him and that the sexual act took place with her consent.
As he testified, he lived in rented rooms together with a compatriot. The two of them went to a bar and met two English women. As he said, the 25-year-old started kissing him while at some point she pulled him by the hand and they went to the beach together with a group of people. There, she said, she continued to flirt with him and when they left the group she took off her clothes and he took off his clothes and asked him to make contact with her.
He, as he explained, used a condom which he found out along the way that it was broken, while as he pointed out he found out afterwards that the 25-year-old woman was unwell.
He vehemently denied raping her, further claiming that she was sober and not drunk.
The lawyer Mr. Stavros Panagiotakopoulos appeared as his defense counsel.

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