The ex-ambassador made a call to the civil service corps: Urgently go to the side of the people! – 2024-04-02 13:20:03

by times news cr

2024-04-02 13:20:03

Arif Mammadov: “Everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the country should unite around Ali Karimli”

Former ambassador Arif Mammadov addressed to everyone who thinks about the future of our state and people, including those who work in state bodies. A. Mammadov shared his appeal on his personal Facebook account in both Azerbaijani and Russian languages. The petition reads:

“An appeal to Azerbaijani officials, soldiers, police, diplomats, deputies, everyone who thinks they are responsible for our Motherland and assesses the real threat to Azerbaijan:

I am not so optimistic and I think that we should look at the events with a sober eye and accurately assess the situation in the country. It is clear that the current regime “has been defeated, and the other is spinning in the sky”. It is also clear that the transition from rigid dictatorships to democracy in different parts of the world is whiteis observed with similar processes. Therefore, I think that in the near future we will be faced with two options. It will be a choice between bad and very bad options. Let’s not compare ourselves with Georgia, Ukraine, or even Armenia. Democracy did not flourish in these countries either, but there were no such harsh dictatorships as in Azerbaijan. Therefore, we should be able to look at the truth without falsely wearing “pink glasses”.

It is clear that now everyone is preparing for the change of the political regime in Azerbaijan: the opposition, the West and Russia, and all other visible and invisible forces. I repeat, we have to honestly evaluate the processes and look for the right ways.

Everyone should understand that today there is only one leader in Azerbaijan who has the support and trust of the people and who can prevent disasters by realizing the full responsibility of the gravity of the situation in the country. The leader whom the people of Azerbaijan can trust and follow is Ali Karimli. Therefore, every person who is not indifferent to the fate of the country should unite around this person. I believe that all ministers, generals, diplomats and deputies understand this. The whole society must definitely support him.

Anyone who now makes the right choice and goes to the side of the people can be sure that this right choice can be considered as a service to the destiny of the country and can wash away and forgive previous sins. Those who hesitantly supported the dictatorship until the end will certainly answer to the people of Azerbaijan!

The choice is yours, gentlemen!”

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