Astrological Opening for April 2024 with Tarot Card Reader Roni

by time news

2024-04-02 21:06:35

Roni, a tarot card reader and communicator, has a website and a TikTok channel with a variety of videos of tarot card readings and message delivery. Every month she performs an astrological opening for all zodiac signs – and here is her opening for the month of April 2024:

Aries – congratulations on your birthday! The fiery energy in you will break out without limits and lead you to your new destiny. You must make clear decisions and not hesitate anymore. It’s possible that some people won’t like the new you that came out of you, but it will only show you who is accurate to you and who isn’t. The spirit of freedom will bring light into you and your life and allow you to turn a new page. An opportunity to get to know a good couple will come in the middle of the month, when it seems that there will be more than one option to choose from! Don’t worry about your financial situation, now is the time to make plans that will stabilize you in the future. For those facing a trial/trial, there will be a decision in your favor. Introduce sports into your routine and go to the sea at least once. Sentence of the month – every moment is an opportunity for a new beginning!

Scorpio – this month the truth will be revealed to you and you will discover the true intentions of the people around you. This is not the time to maintain relationships that no longer benefit you just because of the fear of getting into a conflict. Choose the people who take responsibility and behave in a responsible and mature manner. You should start thinking about your own good. Take care of your health and your patience regarding processes that happen in your life. Adopt a more optimistic approach. Always know that you have the option to get out of any drama. Regarding the relationship, it seems that the other party is decisive in his response and does not compromise for you. With regard to career and finances, considerate and calculated steps should be taken and unnecessary expenses should be avoided. Sentence of the month – it is important to focus on strengths and forgive weaknesses.

Aquarius – It seems that you will be very busy and focused on a certain project that will be related to your personal development. In order for it to succeed for you, and indeed it seems that it will succeed, believe in yourself and take control of all parties involved in the matter. You have it! Although people will surround you and shower you with love, your inner feeling is very lonely, maybe because you are too focused on your life, or maybe you don’t believe you deserve that kind of love. This will be a wonderful lesson for you to come out of your shell and see that you can indeed combine all the worlds – both society and work. Regarding the relationship, it seems that the other party is disappointed with you and does not receive enough attention. And for those who are not in touch, it seems that the environment is a bit disappointing for you in terms of variety and supply. Sentence of the month – there is no need to try to be a special person, the uniqueness already exists in you.

Taurus – it’s time to look in the mirror and make a decisive decision about the rest of your life. Believe in your mighty powers to direct every situation to the best side. A sacrificial approach does seem to help you, but it doesn’t. It feeds the ego, so you should raise your head and say “I can!”. Dealing with the small details will reveal to you the truth beneath the surface. Give room for the processes and time to do its thing. Regarding the relationship, it seems that the other party feels safe and comfortable with you, but may get bored. For those who are not in touch, it seems that there will be a good opportunity to get to know each other as long as you leave the house. Regarding the career, you should not create sensationalism. Sentence of the month – it is important to release anger.

Sagittarius – very powerful and positive cards came out for you this month! Two new beginnings at least, after a reawakening that will go through already at the beginning of the month. This month it is worthwhile to look for the truth on all sides, and not look for absolute justice. Combine and merge things to do the unbelievable. You have a lot of power in your hands that flows from above and allows you to deal with several things at the same time and solve any problem. Of course, maintain ethics and compassion. Regarding the relationship, love blossoms and shines on you. Those who are not in a relationship enter into a mutual and loving relationship. All possibilities are open for you and nothing threatens to close or fail you. Sentence of the month – there is only one person like you in the world.

#Opening #cards #forecast #April #fortune

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