Gold panning in the Adamaoua region: local populations are getting organized – 2024-04-03 04:59:42

by times news cr

2024-04-03 04:59:42

Located in the north of Cameroon, the Adamaoua region links Nigeria to the west and the Central African Republic to the west. It is considered the water tower of Cameroon because of the numerous rivers which have their sources there.

However, apart from its rivers, Adamaoua has a very particular geology. The mountains of Mambila and of Hotel among others are composed of Granite, Mica and Schists. However, one of the most important minerals in this region is gold, the trade of which constitutes an important part of the activity of the Fulani, Tikar and Gbaya.

That said, due to the difficulties of extracting and marketing the yellow metal, local populations have undertaken numerous organizational efforts. This article presents some of them.

The organization of local populations

The author of the site, specializing in gold research, explains that the lands of Cameroon are known to be gold-bearing and that not all the deposits have been discovered to date.

This wealth has led to the enthusiasm of mining companies, but also of local populations in search of a The Golden. However, unlike the gold panning sites operated by Chinese companies and their machines, most of Amadoua’s mines are operated by amateurs who have no technical knowledge of gallery construction.

As a result, the open-air mines they build are veritable tombs which continue to bury dozens of gold miners every day. As proof, according to the FODER organization, around 185 individuals died in the Eastern and Adamaoua regions.

Actions of local organizations

The danger of open-air mines is one of the concerns of local populations. For several years, certain associations and cooperatives have taken clear action with the authorities and gold miners.

Of the information campaigns are regularly organized to inform gold miners about the dangers of the techniques used. They also present simple gold panning techniques that protect both the environment and the health of workers.

Likewise, these associations continually organize investigations with the aim of highlighting the dangers of gold panning in the region. Very often, these investigations result in pleas to the authorities who then attempt to take efficient actions.

What about the effectiveness of these actions?

In reality, actions undertaken by local organizations are not very productive. Indeed, certain populations are hardly receptive to the responsible gold panning techniques offered by the associations. They assess the complexity of the process and conclude that the gains are not worth it.

Better still, these organizations are faced with the corruption of local officials mines. The latter are not enthusiastic about the use of new gold panning techniques which risk increasing costs and attracting the attention of national authorities.

National authorities, in fact, represent an important aspect of the work of local associations. Following numerous efforts, a new mining code was adopted in 2016. It provides for the restoration or closure of certain mines in the country. However, this code was never promulgated, thus leaving the gold panning sector in a state of advanced decay.

The impact of gold panning on the region

For the local population, the practice of gold panning in the Adamaoua region has many advantages. It represents a credible alternative to agriculture, which constitutes the main source of income for 65% of the population.

In the facts, gold panning offers financial guarantees significantly more important than agriculture which is subject to climatic hazards. Ultimately, this practice makes it possible to improve the living conditions of residents through an increase in income and better access to care.

However, gold panning in the Amadoua region presents relatively significant disadvantages. Apart from the risks linked to mine landslidesgold panning causes particularly violent conflicts. In addition, the region’s proximity to Nigeria leads to the gradual appearance of small armed groups seeking to take control of the open mines.

Furthermore, gold panning has disastrous environmental consequences. In September 2021, the FODER organization counted approximately 700 abandoned holes and an hundred of polluted artificial lakes. This pollution impacts the water table and affects the quality of nearby waterways.

Initiatives for responsible mining

Improving the gold panning situation in northern Cameroon requires joint action by national authorities and mining companies. At the structural level, the 2016 Mining Code must be reformed and promulgated. The directives now issued must be carried out in mines and various gold panning sites.

Efficient actions must also be taken in relation to the numerous artificial lakes which contribute to the degradation of waterways. In addition, local organizations must benefit from the support of local authorities and international organizations concerned with environmental protection.

Ideally, they should benefit from material support and fundraising campaigns effective. This will make it possible to improve the actions carried out to provide gold miners with the equipment and skills necessary to carry out responsible extraction.

What to remember?

Gold panning is one of the main activities in the Adamaoua region. However, due to the lack of infrastructure and state control, this practice has become dangerous both for gold miners and for the environment.

Local organizations are undertaking difficult actions to encourage gold miners to adopt a responsible approach to their activity. Unfortunately, they are met with silence from local authorities and reluctance from the population.

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