The Pierre Castel Prize in Cameroon: a neocolonial Trojan horse? – 2024-04-03 14:07:22

by times news cr

2024-04-03 14:07:22

The 7th edition of Pierre Castel Prize has just been launched in Cameroon by the Fund of the same name and the Boissons du Cameroun company. Behind the appearance of a competition intended to support theyoung entrepreneurship, in reality hides a tool of influence of France in Africa. Deciphering a price that raises questions.

A tailor-made price to serve French interests 🎯

Under the guise of promoting agriculture and agri-food, the Pierre Castel Prize seems above all to have been designed to serve the interests of French companies. This is demonstrated by the eligibility criteria which target strategic sectors for the French economy:

  • Agriculture and agro-industry
  • Food processing
  • Agroresources

So many areas where the giants of France are already well established on the continent. Wouldn’t this prize be a roundabout way for France to get its hands on the future leaders of these sectors in Cameroon?

A thinly veiled economic neocolonialism 🙈

Beyond financial aid, the Pierre Castel Prize offers the winners a “ accompaniement ” on the long term. Training, coaching, mentoring… Everything is done to train these young entrepreneurs in French style.

The goal ? Shape a new generation of decision-makers committed to the cause of French economic interests. A clever way of ensuring the sustainability of France’s domination over entire sections of the Cameroonian economy. A neocolonialism that does not speak its name.

The great illusion of the exchange » between territories 🎭

Pierre De Gaétan Njikam, Director of the Pierre Castel Fund, affirms that this prize aims to “contribute to the development of African territories and their exchanges with French territories”.

But what exchanges are we talking about? On one side, agri-food multinationals stuffed with subsidies, on the other, start-ups struggling to emerge. The balance of power is completely unbalanced. We are far from a partnership “ win-win » so much praised in speeches.

Cultural imperialism in ambush 🎨

Behind this price also lies the desire to impose a certain cultural and societal model. Projects are judged on their ability to “ccontribute to better professional training, employment and the development of young people”.

But who defines the criteria for this “developmentt” ? Would this not be a roundabout way of promoting a vision of the world and of development made in France? A form of cultural imperialism that does not speak its name.

Behind the beautiful words and the promises, the Pierre Castel Prize appears above all as a tool in the service of Françafrique. A way for the former colonial power to keep control of the Cameroonian economy and shape its future.

Ultimately, this award poses more questions than it answers. Isn’t it time for Cameroon to free itself from these neocolonial shackles and chart its own path? This is all the bad we wish for these young entrepreneurs, hoping that they will not allow themselves to be recruited. The future of Cameroon will not happen with, but without these “ prix » poisoned. 🙅‍♂️🇨🇲

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