Governor Kawakatsu announces resignation: “I will not withdraw my remarks.” “My heart was also hurt.”[Key questions and answers]: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

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Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Heita Kawakatsu, who had announced his intention to resign after receiving criticism for comments that could be interpreted as job discrimination, held a press conference at the prefectural office on the 3rd. After apologizing and saying, “I sincerely apologize,” he announced his intention to resign, saying, “I’ve done enough work.”

Governor Heita Kawakatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture holds a press conference at the prefectural office on the 3rd.

However, he reiterated his belief that he did not think his comments were inappropriate, and said he would not retract them. He denied running for reelection.

Mr. Kawakatsu has not approved the start of construction in the Shizuoka construction zone for the Linear Chuo Shinkansen, citing environmental concerns and other reasons. At a press conference on the 3rd, he stated that he was building a relationship of trust with JR Central and other companies, and also cited the fact that his “work has come to a halt” as a reason for his resignation.

The main questions and answers are as follows.

◆The decision to abandon the opening of the Maglev in 2027 is significant.

reporterWhy did you decide to resign?

governorThere are two reasons. That I hurt people’s hearts through my inadequate words. This is still big. I learned from the comments of members of the prefectural assembly and citizens of the prefecture that people were being hurt in ways that were unintentional. This is something that we should seriously reflect on. This has happened repeatedly, and this is one of the major reasons for my resignation.

Another thing is that when it comes to linear, we also have to think about future generations. Since the Southern Alps is a national park, I believe that preserving nature is Japan’s national policy, and since it is a UNESCO park and the government is involved, it is also an international commitment. Now that (JR Tokai) is under the Niwa (President Shunsuke) system, it will take at least 13 years to deal with the Alps issue, and this is only after construction has begun, so this is a bombshell for me. When I heard about it on the news, I immediately told Mr. (Hironori) Yano (chairman of the monitoring committee set up by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) that I would be in charge of the rest, and that I would appreciate your help. This is a big reason.

reporterCould that be a big reason?

governorThis is clearly what the business entity (JR Tokai) said. The previous president repeatedly told us that it was possible to open in 2027, and that we were working toward that goal. The fact that that has changed (giving up on opening in 2027) is significant.

◆“The needle has led to criticism in a big way”

reporterAs of yesterday (in the interview on the 2nd), he said that he did not think the remarks were inappropriate and that he would not retract them. What are your current thoughts?

governorIn some ways, misspoken words or inadequate expressions can lead to criticism in a huge way. I can only understand if I talk to them directly, but in reality it’s difficult, and I feel sorry for the people who have been hurt.

reporterIs it correct to understand that one of the reasons for this is to resign in order to take responsibility?

governorI feel sorry for the hurt I caused, as my heart is also hurt.

reporterYou haven’t answered the first question head-on. Do you think that what you said was inappropriate, or do you intend to retract it?

governorI would like everyone to read the entire text. Please listen to the audio as well. I felt that if you listened, you would understand, and in other words, I didn’t think it was inappropriate.

However, it is true that if only a part of it is taken, it could be interpreted as a discriminatory remark, so I feel sorry for the hurt that has been caused.

reporterIs it okay to say that there will be no withdrawal?

governorthat’s right.

◆“A fresh election is outrageous.”

reporterSome reports say that he has approached Mr. Shu Watanabe (Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan member of the House of Representatives and advisor to the Shizuoka Prefectural Party) about entrusting him with future prefectural administration.

Governor Heita Kawakatsu apologizes for his remarks during the instruction at the Shizuoka Prefectural Office on the 3rd.

governorWhen I ran for governor, Mr. Watanabe said, “If Kawakatsu runs, I won’t run.” I promised that I would contact you if I (Governor Kawakatsu) were not available, so I have fulfilled my promise.

reporterIt is not my understanding that he approached Mr. Watanabe as his successor.

governorNot at all. It just means that we have fulfilled our promise.

reporterIs there any possibility that the company will seek out a successor?

governorthere is no. I would really appreciate it if someone with an understanding of sports, martial arts, or anything like that would join me, but I don’t think it’s my job to run for office anymore.

reporterIf there is anything that can be said to have accomplished this after serving four terms.

governorWhat made me the happiest was that Mt. Fuji became a World Cultural Heritage Site.

reporterWill he appear in the fresh election?

governornot at all.


governorI’ve done enough work. The fourth term (governor’s election) was, after all, an extremely heated issue in linear politics. I’m really grateful to JR Tokai, but I saw a solution here, so a new election is outrageous. I haven’t thought about it at all.

reporterWill I receive a June bonus?

governorI haven’t thought about it at all. I would like to go natural.

reporterSome of Governor Kawakatsu’s supporters say they are disappointed that he resigned midway through his term.

governorI feel sorry. However, the reason everyone chose us was because we told them what we would do. I feel that we have reached a milestone in resolving the linear problem as promised in our pledge.

◆ “I have been telling myself that Bodhisattvas help others.”

reporterWhat do you expect from the next governor?

governorI think the next person has character and individuality. However, rather than loving the people of the prefecture, they serve them.

When you do something for others, it comes back to you in a positive way. I come here with the belief that altruism leads to self-interest. I used to say things like “Buddha’s Kawakatsu.” What I have always told myself is to help others as a Bodhisattva.

◆What was the content of Governor Kawakatsu’s instruction?

On the 1st, Mr. Kawakatsu gave instructions to newly hired prefectural employees, saying, “The prefectural office is a think tank. Unlike selling vegetables, taking care of cows, or making things, you are all people with high brains and intelligence.” said.

The prefecture was flooded with phone calls and emails complaining, “Are people involved in agriculture and livestock farming low in intelligence?” and “Didn’t Shizuoka Prefecture take pride in manufacturing?”

At around 6 p.m. the next day, Kawakatsu answered questions from about 30 reporters in front of the governor’s office and explained that there was no intention to discriminate. He offered his own theories, such as “parts of it being cut off,” and after about 10 minutes, he suddenly said, “I’m thinking of resigning after the June congress,” and ended the interview.

Mr. Kawakatsu, who served as a professor at Waseda University and president of Shizuoka University of Arts and Culture, was first elected in the 2009 Shizuoka prefecture gubernatorial election and is currently in his fourth term.

Summary of the day’s training
It is important to stick to what you believe is right. And to do that, I have to study.
Actually, the Shizuoka Prefectural Office is, in other words, a think tank. Unlike selling vegetables, taking care of cows, or making things every day, you are basically people with high brains and intelligence. So we need to hone that. There are many ways to polish.
Also, you have to have a rich sense of sensibility. It is desirable to have a heart that is moved when you see a beautiful picture, listen to good music, watch a movie, or see a play. Therefore, even if you feel that your intelligence cannot match that person’s, it is important to value your intelligence. For that reason, I really have to study.
Then I train my body. Some people may not be good at sports. You can also enjoy watching it. I want you to become a rich person.

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