Iranian Threat: Jordan Prevents Pro-Iranian Militias from Operating Against Israel from Jordanian Territory

by time news

2024-04-03 19:25:05

Officials in the Houthi army reported to News 14 that pro-Iranian militias in Iraq are interested in crossing the border between Iraq and Jordan – in order to operate from Jordanian territory against Israel along the eastern border • So far, Jordan has prevented the Iranian threat

Sparrow in Lazada Ked Adar Monday Thursday Tashfed 04.03.24 22:23

A new threat from the east? Since the outbreak of the Iron Swords War on October 7, the State of Israel has been engaged in a multi-arena campaign in several countries in the Middle East, attacking air and ground and activating the air defense systems against threats coming from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and even Iraq and Iran.

The longest border that the State of Israel has is its eastern border, with Jordan, which has a “cold” peace agreement with Israel. As part of the efforts of Iran, the head of the snake of regional terrorism that is being used against Israel, officials in the Houthi army with whom we have been talking for many weeks told News 14 that the pro-Iranian militias in Iraq are interested in crossing the border between Iraq and Jordan – with the aim of operating from the territory of Jordan against Israel .

King of Jordan, Abdullah bin Hussein Photo: Shutterstock

According to the report, Jordan strongly opposes this step and is fighting it. At the same time, the spokesman for the pro-Iranian militias issued proclamations in the last few days in which he stated the desire and attempts of the militias to cross the border to Jordan and act against Israel along the eastern border as well, which is considered relatively quiet compared to the other borders.

Since the outbreak of the war, the Houthis have actively participated in the fighting against Israel by launching drones, some carrying explosives to the city of Eilat and the region, launching cruise missiles and of course – attacking commercial ships that make their way to Israel or are connected in some way to Israel. The Houthis rebel against the Yemeni government And are fully and extensively financed by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards – as mentioned, the head of the snake that spreads terror throughout the Middle East and tries to surround Israel with a ring of fire, missiles and terror.

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