The white world of children and adults – 2024-04-03 21:35:47

by times news cr

2024-04-03 21:35:47

A dream of snow that will change the color of our life

Fuad Kahramanli

The snow that fell in Baku yesterday awakened my memories and took me back to my childhood. Probably everyone has a childhood memory of snow. Why do children love snow so much, even if we try to find an answer to this question after growing up, as the years go by, those innocent and simple feelings leave us, so at this age we have to ask and learn the answer from the children themselves.

Yesterday, I asked this to the children in the neighborhood, I asked some of them to talk about the reason for the sparkle in their eyes, the smile on their lips, and the joy on their faces because of these baby seedlings. It was as if I was interviewing these familiar saplings, whom I loved when I was talking to them, whose laughter and songs I watched from afar, and whose chirpy voices I enjoyed listening to every time I passed by. They answered me laughing, as if they were amused by these questions. Their answers were short and to the point, you know what they said?

When it snows, everything is white, it makes them happy, the snowy world becomes softer, more fun and beautiful for them.

In fact, these answers were the starting point of historical ideologies, complex political and economic theories, literary and philosophical works. Isn’t the desire for the world we live in to be whiter a beautiful, peaceful, happy life expressed through color symbolism? White is a symbol of purity, but unfortunately, against the background of this whiteness, today’s world seems to be covered in black with people’s interests, passions for power, wealth, malice, hatred and anger. Isn’t the children’s dream of a white world painted in white, a life and a society where humanity’s search for peace and dreams of happiness can come true, free and not ruled by black forces? Don’t all progressive ideologies, struggles against exploitation and injustice, religions that promote purity promise a white world that heralds peace and prosperity against the rules that darken the fate of people? With this desire, the history of mankind has been saved from tragedies at the cost of millions of people’s lives, striving for peace so as not to be enraged in the bloodshed of wars, clashing with the desires of the rulers, resisting the shackles of reactionary ideologies and regressive mentalities, breaking the chains of slavery and oppression with resistance. Hasn’t he embarked on a journey of progress with the desire to build the world? Otherwise, how can the part of the world that has come out into the snow-white day today differ from the black people like us, how could it leave behind the horror-filled reactionary periods of its past, where black nightmares roam?

Yesterday the children also said that they liked the snow because it was soft. Because this softness gives these babies who are afraid of falling more free and confident movement, they can walk more freely and run and have fun on the snow without fear of falling or being crushed. Unlike hard ground and asphalt pavements, they can shovel this snow with their hands and feel stronger. The snowballs they throw at each other do not cause any injury or pain, they only excite, delight and amuse. That’s why snow is cute and fun for them. The white world forgets sadness and distress, and gives joy to life to these baby inhabitants that it has taken into its bosom.

But what do we adults want? What we want is basically the same as the children’s desire that we are talking about. When we stumble and fall in life, people we can trust to protect us from being crushed and hurt, justice we can rely on, freedom of action that allows everyone to realize themselves, a supportive state care that will come to our rescue with its social policy and lend a hand to every needy person, is the main desire of us adults as well, the society we want to live in. is his wish. Just as snow gives confidence and joy to children with its softness, look at this kind of society that supports people in working, achieving their goals, and fulfilling their dreams with their inviolable rights and justice, with protected freedoms, allowing them to live in prosperity, with good earnings and financial opportunities. it also creates a sense of joy, love of life and confidence in everyone. Such a “soft society” also gives its members the opportunity to live and be happy as human beings, just like children’s desire for soft snow.

And we, the people, want to stay away from the harsh threats and harshness of authoritarianism, violence, lawlessness, corruption, and injustice, and seek refuge in the softness, humanism, and social comfort of democracy, justice, material well-being, and laws that do not crush people. For the same reason, we express the trust given to them by that snow, which children value and love with their simple logic and emotions, and for the same reason, we express it with more mature concepts such as democracy, freedom, economic development, social security, and justice. And we live with the desire and hope that these concepts will fall into our lives like white snow and make us happy.

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