Six policemen on trial for torturing V. Mangos-Upgrading of the indictment 2024-04-03 19:56:58

by time news
çThe first vindication and hopeful development in the struggle waged by the family of Vassilios Mangos and the solidarity movement is an order issued by the investigator Plimmeliodiki Volos, which increases from three to six the number of accused policemen who tortured Vassilis and additionally upgrades the charges against their.

Based on this, six policemen of the Police Directorate of Magnesia, of which four from the OPKE and two from the Security Sub-Directorate, are accused of the criminal acts of torture as an accomplice and serially, dangerous bodily harm as an accessory and serially, exposure as an accomplice and of illegal detention by complicity. The serial category concerns the first four. Now, the case will go through a Misdemeanor Board which will decide if it will go to trial.

As stated in the order, there are serious indications of the defendants’ guilt for the acts attributed to them, the first of which is of a criminal nature, and in order to prevent the risk of committing new crimes and to ensure their appearance in court, they were imposed on them restrictive conditions concerning the ban on leaving the country and the provision on their part of a guarantee of 1,500 euros.

As Yannis Maggos wrote:

The case of our child Vasilios has taken a new turn, as six police officers of the Magnesia Police Department (four from the OPKE and two from the Security Sub-Directorate) are accused by order of the Volos Criminal Investigator for the following criminal acts: 1) complicity and serial torture 2 ) of dangerous bodily harm by complicity and serially 3) of exposure by complicity and 4) of illegal detention by complicity. (The serial category is for the first four).

As stated in the Order, there are serious indications of the defendants’ guilt for the acts they are accused of, the first of which is of a criminal nature, and in order to prevent the risk of committing new crimes and to ensure their appearance in the Court’s audience, restrictive measures were imposed against them conditions namely: 1) prohibition of exit from Greece and 2) the provision on their part of a guarantee of a certain amount of money.

-The solidarity of society from one end to the other throughout Greece, gives courage and strength to us and our lawyers.

The fight continues.

2024-04-03 19:56:58

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