«I apologize if I hurt you, I only feel tenderness for you»- Corriere.it

by time news

2024-04-03 15:11:14

of Entertainment Editorial Staff

The former Premiere Dame of France told Francesca Fagnani about herself. “Hurt for being portrayed as a drunkard in my sister’s film.” And Bruni Tedeschi apologizes

No one has more lives than her: supermodel, singer-songwriter, Premiere dame. The magnetic singer-songwriter and former top model Carla Bruni, 56, guest on Tuesday evening of “Belve”, the Rai 2 cult program created and hosted by Francesca Fagnani, begins by saying that she feels like “a cat, I was born a cat, I will die a cat”. This was not Madame Sarkozy’s only revelation. In fact they wrote about her, part of which was immediately directed by Fagnani, “Distrustful as a cat”. “I’m not suspicious” is the response of the former Premiere Dame of France. However, she recognizes that she is “a liar out of kindness, when I have to save my own skin: if I don’t want to go somewhere I can say I’m sick”.

The interview then turns to more private aspects of the former top model’s life. «I have had a lot from life, but – underlines Bruni – I did not have good parents, very affectionate but practically invisible. Sometimes I didn’t even remember their name and as a child I almost never saw them. So the castle doesn’t matter”, referring to the wonderful Castagneto Po Castle where Carlà spent her childhood. The interviewee then remembers when her father Alberto Bruni Tedeschi confided to her daughter, already 28 years old, that he was not her biological father, and that he would not tell her mother Marisa Borini. «He didn’t want to offend her – explains Bruni -. I thank him again for making this revelation, it freed me from many strange questions I was asking myself. When my father died, I asked my mother everything, including names and addresses.” Thanks to the answers, Bruni was able to meet «my genetic father, Maurizio Remmert, a delightful person and above all I gained a young sister».

We then move on to the topic of jealousy. I would be jealous, Bruni reveals, «if I knew of my man’s betrayal, but I wouldn’t leave him just once. For me, fidelity is a principle, but I was born from that love there, so for me adultery is not a sin.” Fagnani at this point asks if the former top model would forgive a betrayal: «If it were only a physical betrayal, yes. But if my man fell in love with someone else, I couldn’t stand it.” On eroticism he explains: «For me sex is eroticism, and for me eroticism is secret. In fact, I don’t find all these images of today erotic. I find mystery erotic, so I almost never talk about sex, talking about it takes away the spark of sensuality.”

At this point the interviewer recalls that Bruni and I had promised to meet over a glass of wine. «I have practically almost stopped drinking – informs Bruni -, I have had addiction problems since I was little. I tend to be addicted to everything, absolutely everything: sugar, cigarettes, alcohol. I don’t like drugs, but I get hooked on anything. Some people can have a glass of wine and that’s it. If I have just taken a sip of wine from the glass, a little devil warms me up and says to me: “how are you, well?”, then continues: “you’re funny, look how nice you are. Now that people love you, drink your third glass.” And she continues: “Now that you have to go to bed, drink the fourth glass, otherwise you won’t sleep”. Unfortunately I have no limit and – recognizes the model and singer – alcohol is a problem and is made for people who know moderation”.

Carla Bruni is the mother of Aurelien, born from love with the philosopher Raphael Enthoven, and Giulia, born from the union with the former French president Nicolas Sárközy. What mother is she? Fagnani asks her. «Very anxious and very tender, I hope – replies the former Première dame -. I would say that in any case I am the mother I didn’t have, and I wouldn’t want my children to experience experiences like the ones I experienced: loneliness, anguish.” Bruni then tells how the film shot by her sister Valeria Bruni Tedeschi “I villeggianti” (2019), inspired by their family, had “upset her greatly”. «You took Valeria Golino and had her play the role of the protagonist’s younger sister, and I would be her younger sister. I love my sister, I like her work. It’s just not always easy to see each other. Not represented: used. Is not the same thing. Represented it wouldn’t be a problem, used yes. But I understand that the artist needs that. If you use people, you have to do it with caution.”

And Valeria Bruni Tedeschi didn’t do it? Fagnani asks. «No – Bruni replies -, she lets things go, without precautions, because that’s how she creates. And that created a bit of a backlash. The woman played by Valeria Golino was a drunkard, she upset me because it actually could have been me. But I didn’t say to myself “this is my great fragility”. Why explain it like this? Why expose it like this?”. Words to which Bruni Tedeschi replied apologetically: «I love my sister. I know that you have sometimes been hurt by my films and I have always felt very sorry for you.” For the actress and director «the characters that she represents are always fictional, even if they often take inspiration from people in my life. I try to process reality to create moving and true characters.”

Bruni Tedeschi explains that the character of the sister in the film «The Holidaymakers» is very strong, thanks also to the interpreter: «By choosing Valeria Golino to play “the sister” I decided to choose a person and an actress who inspires me with great tenderness ». Feelings he has for Carla: «I feel great love and tenderness for her. I think she is fragile but also very strong and intelligent and that she has great musical and writing talent. If I hurt you, once again, I apologize. I think that life is more important than films and it’s not easy for me to think that by making a film I can hurt or harm someone I love.”

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April 3, 2024 (modified April 3, 2024 | 2:47 pm)

#apologize #hurt #feel #tenderness #Corriere.it

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