Hundreds of thousands allegedly embezzled in the Chamber of Auditors: Part of the money left the building of AZERTAC – 2024-04-03 23:39:25

by times news cr

2024-04-03 23:39:25

Former head of the Finance and Technical Support Department of the Chamber of Auditors of Azerbaijan Veli Rahimovfinancier-accountant Govhar Ahmadova and the auditor Farida Novruzova They are accused of embezzling 700,000 manats. Although they were not arrested, they are tried in the Baku Serious Crimes Court.

The case was investigated by the Anti-Corruption Department. Two of the three accused – V. Rahimov and F. Novruzova, as well as the lawyers, were dissatisfied with the investigation. According to them, the case should be returned to the prosecutor’s office for reinvestigation, as a number of important issues have not been investigated.

Lawyers say that G. Ahmadova said in her statement that she received an assignment from the head of the department V. Rahimov and that they did these works in collaboration. On the basis of this testimony, three of them were charged with conspiracy. Come on, apart from the words of G. Ahmadova, there is no evidence to confirm this (e-mail, SMS, witness statement).

“He personally revealed that there are certain problems”

V. Rahimov’s lawyer Faig Najafov says that when you pay attention to the materials of the criminal case, it seems that G. Ahmadova’s children are also involved in this case. However, the investigator did not pay attention to those evidences: “It appears from the case that money was transferred to the bank cards of Govhar Ahmadova’s children. The first child says that “I didn’t know, my mother took the money from the card.” It is known from the statements that goods were bought from Turkey with that card and bills were given in restaurants. His second child works at AZERTAC. Although he said “I don’t know”, it seems that money was withdrawn from the ATM in the AZERTAC building with that card. The third child also says “I don’t know”, but he went to the bank and withdrew 18 thousand manats from that account. The investigator either did not look at these documents or did not want to look at them.”

As for the former head of department V. Rahimov himself, his lawyer said that his son died in the Karabakh battles in 2020. After this incident, he became resentful of life, he stayed away from everything for about a year, and as a result, things went out of control: “After his return, he personally discovered that there were certain problems and informed the management about it.”

“They cheated and signed the documents”

F. Novruzova’s lawyer Ali Hasratov also supported what his lawyer colleague said about returning the case to the investigation and added that the right to defense was also violated in the investigation. According to him, his client F. Novruzova was without a lawyer during the interrogation in the investigation: “He himself states that they deceived him and signed the documents.”

F. Novruzova also confirmed what her lawyer said. The accused former head of department V. Rahimov complained that he was not given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the materials of the criminal case.

Neither the lawyer of the accused G. Ahmadova nor the prosecutor saw the need to return the case to the investigation. Lawyer G. Ahmadova stressed that the allegations about the participation of her children in the meal are groundless.

The prosecutor said that if the court investigations reveal the participation of other people in the murder, then he can raise the issue of returning the case to investigation.

The judges also refused to return the case to the prosecutor’s office. The court hearing on this case is scheduled for January 26.

Freedom radio

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