Extension of applications to the Chamber’s program for training 300 unemployed – 2024-04-04 06:10:51

by times news cr

2024-04-04 06:10:51

Economy Editorial Room

Until Sunday, March 31, the deadline for submitting applications for the participation of unemployed beneficiaries in the action “Program for the Promotion of the Unemployed in the Labor Market”, with OPS Code (MIS) 6002392, which is implemented as a beneficiary by the Chamber of Ioannina and is co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund – ECB) and from national resources through the NSRF, in the context of the “Epirus 2021-2027” Operational Program.

Through the Action, it is sought to prepare 300 unemployed people, with at least compulsory education, registered in the registers of the OAED, who live in the Municipalities of the Regional Unity of Ioannina, with the aim of acquiring and expanding their professional knowledge and skills in cutting-edge sectors of the Regional Economy, with employment prospects . The Practice includes four training programs, 350 hours each (110 hours of theory and 240 hours of practical training), concerning the acquisition of knowledge, basic and specific professional skills in subjects related to the following specialties:
➢ Executives of the organization and management of tourist and cultural enterprises.
➢ Mountain tourism executives – marketing – mountain guide and management of emergency situations.
➢ Executives of standardization – processing – marketing of agricultural products.
➢ Business organization and management executives.
➢ Executives of a supply chain company – Logistics.
The beneficiaries, upon completion of the training program and their certification, will receive an educational allowance for each hour of training, the amount of 5 euros per hour of training, minus legal deductions. With this invitation, the interested – potentially benefiting unemployed people registered in the OAED registers, graduates of at least compulsory education, who live in the intervention area in the eight municipalities (Northern Tzoumerko, Dodoni, Zagori, Zitsa, Ioannito, Konitsa, Metsovo, Pogoni) of P .E. of Ioannina, to express their interest in participating in the Act, through the specially designed website of the Act. The submission of the application is only done electronically.
For detailed information and the conditions of the invitation, those interested can consult the invitation of unemployed beneficiaries, which is posted on the website, as well as on the website of the Chamber of Ioannina

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