News of Alexei Navalny’s death and reactions to this news – 2024-04-04 06:46:55

by times news cr

2024-04-04 06:46:55

One of the leaders of the Russian opposition Alexei NavalnyIt was reported that he died in a colony in the Yamalo-Nenes Autonomous District.

This information was released by the Russian Federal Service for the Execution of Penalties:

“On February 16, 2024, in Colony No. 3, Alexei Navalny felt sick after a walk and almost immediately lost consciousness. The facility’s medical staff arrived immediately and an ambulance was called. All resuscitation measures were carried out, but there was no result. Emergency doctors confirmed the death of the convict. The cause of death is being determined.”

He was 47 years old.

According to the information of the service, Navalny felt bad after the walk and almost immediately lost consciousness.

Even though the emergency doctors tried to revive him, it was not possible.

It is reported that the Federal Penitentiary Service sent a commission to the colony where Navalny was detained and died.

A politician’s lawyer Leonid Solovyov refused to comment. He said that he was with the prisoner on February 14 and everything was fine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said that he was aware of the incident.

He also said that the president about the incident Vladimir Putinwas informed.

On February 14, it became known that Navalny was already sent to the penal institution for the 27th time.

Telegram channel SOTAvision published a video of Navalny’s court hearing on February 14. He participated in the hearing via video link.

Member of the Moscow Public Observation Commission Yeva Merkaçova believes that the politician’s death could have been caused by his “constant detention in the penalty cell”.

He added that there are very harsh detention conditions in the penitentiary.

Navalny was serving a sentence in the Vladimir region. In December last year, he was transferred to a prison in the Arctic. He was detained in prison No. 3 in Kharp settlement of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

Navalny was sentenced to 19 years in prison in August on charges of extremism. He was previously convicted of fraud. He and his supporters considered the accusations politically motivated.

47-year-old Navalny was detained in January 2021 while returning from Germany to Russia. He was being treated for poisoning in Berlin, and said that the incident in Russia was carried out by special operatives on the orders of authoritarian President Vladimir Putin.

Yuliya Navalnaya at the Munich conference
Yuliya Navalnaya at the Munich conference

What did Yulia Navalna say?

“I don’t know if we should believe this terrible news or not. For many years, we have received news only from the official media. We are in such a situation that we cannot trust Putin and his government because they always lie.”

This was said by Yulia Navalnaya, who is currently at the Security Conference in Munich. The politician’s wife then said:

“But if the news is true, Putin, his entire staff, those around him should know that they will be punished for what they did to our patriot, my family and my husband. They will be brought to justice and that day will come soon.”


President of Latvia Edgar Rinkevich He was the first foreign head of state to react to the news of Navalny’s death.

“Regardless of what you think of Navalny as a politician, he was brutally murdered by the Kremlin. This is a fact, and this fact says a lot about the nature of the current regime in Russia.”

Secretary General of NATO Jens StoltenbergAccording to Mr.

Russia must answer serious questions.”

US national security adviser Ceyk Sullivan In an interview with NPR agency, he said that “if it is confirmed, it would be a terrible tragedy”.

“The Russian government’s long and sordid history of harming its opponents raises real and obvious questions…”

Chancellor of Germany Olaf Solts said that Navalny “paid for his determination with his life”.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Stefane Sejurne He wrote on the X platform that “the death of a Kremlin critic in a correctional colony reminds us once again of the reality of Vladimir Putin’s regime.”

President of the Council of the European Union Charles Michel said that “Navalny, who fought for the values ​​of freedom and democracy, gave his greatest sacrifice.”

President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili X platform commented on Navalny’s death:

“The death of Alexei Navalny is a tragedy for all defenders of democracy and human rights. I offer my condolences to his family and those who continue to fight for democracy in Russia.”

Reactions from Azerbaijan

There are also reactions from Azerbaijan to the news about the death of Alexei Navalny, one of the leaders of the Russian opposition, in a colony in the Yamalo-Nenes Autonomous District.

Head of the Institute of Political Management Azer GasimliAccording to the probability of, he could have been killed:

“Killing Navalny in the current situation is not a big deal for a person who killed Nemtsov, Prigozhin, waged war in Ukraine, massacred the Chechen people.”

According to him, by killing Navalny, they have already “broken the back” of Russian society:

“They want to create an impression on people that everything is over, we can destroy whoever opposes us.”

“Putin’s regime will have to answer these questions”

Head of Musavat Party Arif Hacılı and reminded that Alexei Navalny was 47 years old, 3 days ago he met his mother, 2 days ago he met with his lawyer, and 1 day ago he spoke in court:

“His death raises very serious questions, and Putin’s regime will have to answer these questions.”

He believes that in any case, the responsibility for Navalny’s death lies with Putin’s regime:

“Because he has been in prison for more than 3 years. During his imprisonment, he was sent to the prison for the 27th time and spent 348 days there. According to his relatives, he was last placed in a penal institution on February 14. This seriously affected his health. In any case, even if the murder was not directly committed against him, the responsibility for his death falls on the Putin regime, which illegally imprisoned Navalny.”

A. Hajili noted that Navalny’s death is a very serious event and a very serious loss for the world democratic community:

“Probably, it will be investigated very seriously. I do not exclude that the death of Navalny during the election campaign (presidential elections) in Russia can have a very serious impact on the general political situation in Russia.”


Member of the Milli Majlis, Chairman of the Civic Solidarity Party Sabir Rustamkhanli and told “Turan” Agency that it is difficult to say anything concretely about this issue:

“Because we cannot closely follow the situation in Russia. But this issue raises questions. How many times have opposition leaders died of suicide or other causes in Russia? It is an interesting event. Russian law enforcement agencies should investigate whether they are really dying of their own accord, or are there other political reasons?”

Although other MPs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were contacted, they did not want to comment on the incident, saying “this has nothing to do with Azerbaijan”.

Moscow’s reaction to the reactions

Official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova He reacted angrily to foreign reactions to Navalny’s death:

“The reactions of NATO leaders directly accusing Russia of Navalny’s death are self-explanatory. There is no forensic examination yet, but the conclusions drawn by the West are already ready.”

Freedom radio

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