PP-DB propose that the Ministry of Interior guards the subway at the expense of the state – 2024-04-04 15:42:09

by times news cr

2024-04-04 15:42:09

MPs from the PP-DB propose that the Ministry of Internal Affairs should guard the subway at the expense of the state through the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For this purpose, they submitted a bill for changes to the law on the Ministry of the Interior.

Currently, the Ministry of the Interior guards 21 sites of national importance. Among them are the National Assembly and the building of the former party house, where the deputies are currently sitting, the Council of Ministers, the presidency, the airports in Sofia, Varna, Burgas and Plovdiv, the “Novi Khan” nuclear repository, etc. The PP-DB propose that the subway be included in the law and become the 22nd object to be guarded.

In their reasons, they recall that the metro is a unique and strategic object of importance for national security, with a length of about 52 km and 47 metro stations, carrying about 50% of passengers in urban transport. “The metro tunnels and metro stations are located and pass in close proximity to a number of residential buildings and settlements of the city infrastructure, the buildings of the National Assembly, the presidency, the government, the National Bank, National Radio and Television. The metro is in direct physical connection with the national railway network, with the Sofia airport, as well as with numerous underground infrastructure systems of the capital city. This confirms its strategic nature and importance for national security for the residents of the territory of the capital,” the petitioners also write.

At the moment, the metro is guarded by employees of the SDVR, and the financing is taken over by the Metropolitan Municipality.

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