Get up Cameroon: the juicy business of Reverend Raoul Wafo – 2024-04-04 17:44:15

by times news cr

2024-04-04 17:44:15

Raoul Wafo

The 3rd edition of the evangelical gathering “Get up Cameroon” is looming next April in Yaoundé. Behind this type of spectacular event, however, there is often a very lucrative financial business for the organizers. Explanations.

From prayer to business

Officially, the objective of Reverend Raoul Wafo is laudable: to bring his compatriots to “discover God” through collective prayer and worship sessions. The kind of large masses that Cameroonian evangelical churches love, masters in the art of mobilizing crowds through sophisticated religious marketing.

Except that in the end, the economic model of these gatherings is based less on spiritual fervor than on the search for profit. This is evidenced by the stands of books, religious objects and the multiple quests that punctuate these ceremonies. Not to mention the price of tickets sold very expensively to the faithful.

What about the economic training announced? Behind the benevolent rhetoric, there is no doubt once again that participants will have to put their hands in their wallets if they want to benefit from the valuable advice of the “ coach » Dead.

Yet another combination?

In short, it is difficult not to detect in this umpteenth evangelical gathering a primarily mercantile operation. Especially when we know the keen business acumen of many of these televangelists, who skillfully ride on popular credulity to line their pockets.

The fact remains that in a country where the poor struggle to meet their basic needs, many of them are still seduced by the sirens of the economic miracle. Even if it means ruining yourself on various offerings for the benefit of reverends more concerned with easy gains than with true spirituality…

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