Agioi Anargyri: “Help, he’s here, he’s chasing me” – The last words of the 28-year-old before her murder

by time news

The details of the new femicide, which took place on Monday night (2/4) outside the Police Station of Aghii Anargyro, with the victim a 28-year-old girl and the perpetrator her 39-year-old ex-partner, are shocking.

The 28-year-old had gone to the AT in order to report the perpetrator, as she had seen that he was following her, which scared her.

After they left the Department, her friendly person accompanying her left. However, the 39-year-old man appears to have framed the woman and attacked her with a knife, fatally injuring her. He then self-injured himself in the neck.

The operator witnessed the girl’s murder, hearing the screams on the other end of the phone line

According to information that came to light after the murder, the 28-year-old had asked the police to accompany her to her house in a patrol car, however the answer she received was that there was none available and she was told to call the Immediate Action.

While she was talking to 100, the 39-year-old attacked her with a knife and killed her. According to what the medical examiner found, the girl received five stab wounds, two in the chest and three in the back, which proved fatal to her life.

The 28-year-old’s dialogue with the Service officer

Victim: Please, I want a patrol car to accompany me to my house. I saw my ex-partner and I am afraid that he is waiting for me outside my house and will hurt me.

Police officer: You should sue him.

Victim: I have previously sued him for rape and battery.

Police officer: Stay at the police station and we will call Immediate Action from here to escort you.

Victim: I will call them.

The 28-year-old came out of the AT of Aghii Anargyri and called the Immediate Action. Seconds later she was found covered in blood on the ground, a breath away from the Department’s outpost.

The operator even witnessed the murder of the girl, hearing the screams on the other end of the phone line.

Immediate action: Immediate Action, you say please?

Victim: I am outside the A.T. of Aghii Anargyri and I want a patrol car to take me home because I’m afraid my ex-partner will hurt me. Help, he’s here, he’s after me… (Screaming, line dropped).

The perpetrator is known to the authorities

The 39-year-old woman killer was known to the authorities, as he had been accused of other crimes. In particular, in 2020 the 28-year-old victim had reported him for beating and rape, while he subsequently withdrew the lawsuit.

In 2019 he was accused of bodily harm and resisting the authorities, while in 2020 he was found and arrested with a small amount of drugs.

The perpetrator was given a deadline to apologize on Thursday, while his lawyer, Apostolos Lytras, stated that he has been hospitalized in the past in psychiatric institutions, specifically at P.N.A. and the Atticon.

“He did drugs many years ago and he and this girl lived together until March 9, this is the information I have from his family. I asked the family to find the files of this man from the mental institutions, to see if there really was a problem or not,” said the lawyer.

Why didn’t the guard intervene

Two officers were present at the Police Station of Aghii Anargyro on the night of the murder of 28-year-old Kyriaki by her ex-partner.

According to ALPHA’s report, at the time the unfortunate woman was at the AT to report the 39-year-old, there were two officers inside. At the same time, there was a target at the scene and in fact only 20 meters from the spot where Kyriaki was murdered.

The target intervened after the attacker had stabbed himself and had fallen to the ground, kicking the knife away.

Antonis Eleftherianos, the head of the Athens District Attorney’s Office, intervened ex officio requesting a criminal investigation to look for possible criminal responsibilities of the police officers who were on duty at the Agioi Anargyro police station.

According to information, the investigation will look into whether the police officers have committed a breach of duty. However, the prosecutor who will conduct the investigation will await the conclusion of the EDE.

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