“They want to kill me? Do you want to silence me?” asks Daniel Salcedo. – 2024-04-05 07:05:48

by times news cr

2024-04-05 07:05:48

Daniel Salcedo Bonilla, prosecuted in the Metastasis case, turned a version expansion procedure into a space to complain and warn about the alleged dangers that his life would be in.

According to Salcedo, his transfer to the Latacunga prison in January generated a series of violations of his rights. At first he was alone in his cell, but due to an alleged suicide attempt, he shared him with Alex Palacios, also investigated in Metastasis.

He says that the prison authorities do not allow him to have contact with his lawyers or access the documentation of the process for which he is being investigated. “Practically eating up all the tax instruction and leaving me without defense.”

Salcedo suspects that the plan is to keep him silent and even silence him along with Palacios, because they are the only suspects in the Metastasis case who have been taken to Latacunga.

He recalled that Leandro Norero (+) was killed while he was in temporary confinement, the stage in which he is currently, and that no state of exception guarantees that there will be no prison riots.

He cited as an example the riot that occurred in the Guayaquil Regional Prison on March 27.

“They want to kill me? Do you want to silence me? Do you want to see Daniel Salcedo’s mutilated head? Why doesn’t the SNAI exercise the right to equality and allow us to have a defense like the others in the Metastasis case? “He questioned.

The brief version extension continued in the same vein. In the end, he warned that he will request a new extension, when he considers necessary. He said he was open to answering questions, but none of the lawyers asked any.

The Prosecutor’s Office limited itself to asking if he appeared freely and voluntarily, obtaining a yes in response.

Source: KCH

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