“I thus invite reflection and the awakening of Guineans through justice…”, Abdoul Sacko 2024-04-05 09:38:32

by time news

Is it the hand of the General (CNRD) who crushes the civilians in command against the interests of the nation, or are they who created the conditions for their crushing for their interests!

In the era of the CNRD, contrary to the hopes raised by commitments and speeches, as time passes for the Transition, the people feel betrayed and regret having given their support to the coup d’état of September 5, 2021 , through some of its components.

Each day that passes, the three (3) and a half years (16 months of bonus in the illusion + the 24 months of agreement with ECOWAS as the duration for the return to the Constitutional Order) become eternity, so the suffering of the people becomes unbearable beyond measure and on all levels.

Immorality through violations of rights/liberties, deception, corruption, illicit enrichment and state lies in the name of refoundation is taking root and becoming the norm of management in the country.

The gap between the new masters, who reign over the country on conquered ground, becomes deeper and deeper to the point that the awakening of the people for their emancipation and even for their survival becomes inevitable.

It is then that, convinced of this state of affairs and as one might expect, civil leaders at the head of the bodies of the Transition or in high positions in the management of state affairs intend to develop strategies low level for future exit doors.

This strategy would aim to enrich themselves in order to maintain their media, judicial and administrative defense in the long run, which would consist of making people believe that they (civilians) did not have a free hand in the face of the authoritarianism of the military mentality at the top of of state.

Would they be condemned to stay and why, when they (civilian executives) are convinced that their presence in business cannot help in moving forward in the general interest?

Some will even say, to justify their appetite to cling to the privileges of power, that their presence consists of lessening the damage linked to the arrogance, greed and ignorance of public management of those who took power through arms.

Therefore, it would be important to question whether it is the weight of the General’s power in his ambitions to maintain power which is crushing civilians at the helm of the Transition bodies or in management positions.

Or if they were the civilians, from the start, for their appetites to access positions of responsibility and to strengthen their financial, political and administrative influence in the country with less merit, who used the appetites and the vulnerability of the officer and his peers. This, by making them believe that with their company in business, they (the officer and company) will be the alpha and omega by governing as absolute master over the country for the appropriate time.

In search of answers to these concerns, information and situational analysis have allowed us to understand that it is in a rush of obligation for subjective and antinomic results to the standards, with the means and powers put at their disposal ( officials/civil executives) provision, that we witness unfair governance with the consequences of:

1. Guinean opinion leaders and actors in political, social, economic and administrative public life, considered as threats, are unjustly languishing in prison or in exile against the laws of the Republic and the stability of the country;

2. Ongoing attempts to try to extend the duration of the transition against the word given and the honor of the chief officer of the coup d’état of September 5, 2021, who arrived as a savior for certain Guineans and who is metamorphosis into an oppressor and a danger for all Guineans;

3. The continued distraction of national and international opinion by the CNT, the most propagandistic and ineffective legislative body in Guinea’s recent history. This role of the CNT, which hides agendas, consists for more than two (2) years of exercise, of organizing popular seminars and making untimely announcements of publication of the preliminary draft of the constitution with specialty the validation of agreements of debts here and there to feed the machine of imposture..

It should be noted without passion or complacency that in terms of constitution, laws and various reforms, through the exceptional work of the CNT of 2010 reinforced by the legislatures that followed, the CNT of the CNRD has only secondary updates, probably from around 10% to 15% maximum. As an illustration, it should be remembered that the CNT of 2010, in just three (3) months of service, started almost from nothing to produce a constitution worthy of belief at the time;

4. The annihilation of media bosses by the closure of private press organs and the unemployment of journalists to reduce them to submission, strategic begging and resignation in the face of abuses of authority and the squandering of public resources.

Oh ! My Country, what “young generation” do you have with what mentality, as a model and what ambition worthy of a credible alternative for progress, when success in their eyes is strictly synonymous with deceit and the accumulation of material and financial goods beyond merit and standards!

Such a situation with a system of oppression of all kinds, in a mode of governance, which does not honor the country and does not leave a convincing future for young people for their empowerment in the management of state affairs, calls out our collective conscience for an immediate rupture.

It is thus, this reflection which aims to open the eyes, the hearts, the sense of patriotism and honor of Guineans on the nature of the deadly poison which constitutes the intellectual and professional cowardice of certain elites of the country, who have the gift to accompany all regimes to their destruction and against the Republic, then to get away with public resources amassed against a backdrop of corruption and lies, without assuming any responsibility.

I therefore invite the reflection and awakening of Guineans through justice, work and responsible solidarity so that this political, economic and administrative cynicism in circus, which has grown without moral limit under CNRD, stops in the management of state affairs, for the purpose of a Guinea with sustainable collective well-being while respecting the laws, human dignity and public resources.

Abdoul Sacko

National Coordinator of the Social Forces of Guinea

Conflict & Governance Consultant

2024-04-05 09:38:32

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