Cordoba | Video: Diana Mondino cried when talking about the fallen in Malvinas and reaffirmed the opening of the economy to the world 2024-04-05 19:34:08

by time news

The chancellor Diana Mondino played at home at the Córdoba Stock Exchange and participated in the “2024 Situation Cycle.” There, he focused on Argentina’s total commercial opening to the world with the entry of imports and highlighted the need to approve the DNU and the reduced Bases Law that the Executive sent to Congress.

The economist highlighted that since China or even India “grew” by opening their economy. He acknowledged that before imports begin to enter, “many things still need to be done.” Here he stressed the need to approve the government’s mega-DNU and the reduced “Bases Law” to accelerate opening times and processes.

“It is inexorable to prepare for an open economy“, he indicated in his talk and added: “there is no possibility of changing the course. “Argentina cannot continue in a small market.” Sitting very close to the chancellor, she was accompanied by the libertarian national deputy Gabriel Bornoroni and senator Luis Juez along with Manuel Tagle, host at the Stock Exchange.

Despite being surrounded by “politicians,” Mondino explained that there will be a period of change with less politics and more economics.

Mondino cried when talking about Malvinas

In a clear change of speech with the Kirchnerist government, Mondino broke down when talking about the victims of Malvinas and the ARA San Juan. The applause of those present helped him to compose himself. The chancellor was asked if the seven bodies remaining in the islands’ cemetery will be identified. Mondino remembered the fallen and broke down in tears.

Diana Mondino breaks down when talking about Malvinas (1:18:28)

“We know that many are at sea, but the mother or father who may know that this is their child’s grave, I think everyone understands that we cannot give in,” he said through tears.

He indicated that work is being done on the identification of the bodies on the island. “Yes, we are working on the humanitarian project, with urgency because the mothers who have their children there could never know that this is their child,” she said.

Without prior consultation and in the middle of the explanation about Javier Milei’s trip to meet with General Richardson in Ushuaia to ratify his strategic alliance with the United States, Mondino clarified that the claim on the sovereignty of the islands is in the Reform of 94 and no government can do anything contrary. “It is in our constitution that Argentina must have sovereignty over the islands,” he recalled.

Mondino with a feverish and decomposed condition

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina was seen arriving at the building feeling unwell and with a condition similar to those who suffer from dengue.

Manuel Tagle, when he began his presentation, excused Mondino from his presence because he had “nausea.” Then Mondino returned to the room and received applause from those present. “You can see that you are tough,” Tagle said, laughing.

Milei’s “economic achievements”

“Optimism and confidence have been generated in society because the measures have generated results,” said the president of the Córdoba Stock Exchange. At the same time, he asked that “gradualism” should be applied in a second stage this year.

“I trust Javier’s personality and convictions,” Tagle said. From the presidency of the BCC he considered that the “May Pact must be approved with a closed book.”

2024-04-05 19:34:08

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