Low profile. Who is the former camporista who promoted Milei in Nación Seguros and would be involved in the case of the brokersBy Candela Ini

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Mauro Tanos He is a low-profile official who was historically aligned with The Campora. Today it occupies a key role in Nación Seguros SA, a company that came under the scrutiny of federal justice for million-dollar contracts with different areas of the State. Tanos was charged and raided as part of the judicial advance that investigates the commissions to insurance brokers who did business with the State during the administration of Alberto Fernandez.

Tanos served as public sector commercial manager at Nación Seguros SA during the Fernández presidency and his situation is peculiar: not only does he continue within the company but he was appointed general manager with the arrival of the libertarian government.

Tanos, a Pampean leader with a long career in public service, moves quietly in the new administration and retains his place of power for now. He was closely linked to Jose Ottavis, who knew how to be one of the strong men of the organization led by Máximo Kirchner. He started as a director at Foncap in 2010, a public-private company dependent on the Ministry of Economy. He also passed through the Chamber of Deputies, as an advisor.

José Ottavis, the former leader of La Cámpora who opened the doors to Mauro Tanos in public administrationSantiago Hafford / LA NACION – Archive

Tanos continued his political career in Moreno’s party, close to the former mayor Walter Festa, with whom he became very close, say Buenos Aires Peronist sources. He was the representative of Unidad Ciudadana in that municipality in 2017, where he served as Secretary of Economy. He was also the head of the Legal and Technical Undersecretariat and the Anti-Corruption Office in that municipality.

He then dedicated himself to working on the discussion of topics such as institutional transparency, about which he wrote a book that was presented by the Kirchnerist national deputy Rodolfo Tailhade at the Merlo Book Fair.

“I was here accompanying Mauro Tanos who has just published his book on Institutional Transparency, and Mauro’s contribution is fundamental for militancy so that corruption stops being an issue only of the right against Peronism and the popular field as a flag ”Tailhade said two years ago. Tanos spoke on panels and gave talks about transparency in the insurance market.

Mauro Tanos, in a blue jacket, together with Rodolfo Tailhade during the presentation of the book Institutional Transparency, in the Merlo party
Mauro Tanos, in a blue jacket, together with Rodolfo Tailhade during the presentation of the book Institutional Transparency, in the Merlo party

As general manager of Nación Seguros SA, a position to which he was appointed in February, he has influence in the operations of the insurance company that came under the scrutiny of Justice. Those who know Tanos still attribute him to having joined Kirchnerism. However, he also participated in Alberto Fernández’s political events while the former president’s confrontation with Cristina Kirchner grew.

“He was in government contracting but did not participate in the Anses policy,” a source who knows the internal functioning of the Nación Seguros company told the nation. In that company, since the change of authorities, the organizational chart was restructured and several former managers were dismissed. Tanos, however, was promoted to general manager.

The promotion of Tanos during the libertarian administration was approved by the Chief of Staff, in charge of Nicolas Posseas reconstructed THE NATION.

Nicolás Posse, Chief of Staff, was the one who approved the promotion of Tanos as general manager of Nación Seguros
Nicolás Posse, Chief of Staff, was the one who approved the promotion of Tanos as general manager of Nación SegurosALEJANDRO SANTA CRUZ

Regarding the maneuver orchestrated during the Frente de Todos government and the implications of Nación Seguros, its current president, Alfredo José Torres, published a note in which he says that they subscribed to the complaint presented by the Government. The decree that forces state companies to hire Nación Seguros SA, signed by Alberto Fernández in 2021, is currently still in force, according to different sources. THE NATION.

“In relation to the insurance that the previous administration contracted to provide coverage to retirees and pensioners who took out loans through Anses, we signed a joint criminal complaint with the Ministry of Human Capital and Anses for the possible crimes of fraud against the public administration, abuse of authority, violation of the duties of a public official, negotiations incompatible with the exercise of public office, influence peddling and embezzlement of public funds, filed in the Federal Criminal and Correctional Court No. 10,” says the note signed by Torres . The company was one of the headquarters raided by order of Judge Julián Ercolini.

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