LR: tensions in the Assembly around the commission of inquiry into the causes of the deficit

by time news

2024-04-06 14:46:06

Bickering within the Republican deputies in the National Assembly. According to our information, Véronique Louwagie, vice-president of the Finance Committee, wrote a slightly angry letter on April 4 to the boss of her group, Olivier Marleix.

In the document consulted by Le Parisien, which follows a telephone exchange between the MP and her president on April 1, she questions him about his choice to run for the head of the commission of inquiry into the causes of the deficit, which the LR group requests via its drawing right, rather than the function of rapporteur of the said commission, which it considers much more strategic.

“Do we want to be the smugglers or have control over the essentials? »

“Beyond the media visibility that the attribution of the presidency of a commission of inquiry can confer, its role consists, neither more nor less, of organizing the debates in the most neutral manner possible, recalls She. The rapporteur can, for his part, allow himself to be more incisive and above all has control over the drafting of the report…” And to press: “Do we want to be the ones passing the dishes or to have control of the essential? »

Not perceiving “the political gain of such a choice”, she emphasizes that if the future rapporteur emanates from the ranks of the presidential majority, “then you give the presidential camp a substantial weapon to defend itself, or even mitigate the scope of this commission…” She therefore pleads for the group to position itself on the role of rapporteur and for this task to be entrusted to “a finance commissioner from the group”.

Because this is the other grievance raised by Véronique Louwagie: the presidency of this commission of inquiry was awarded, by the management of her group, to the LR deputy Philippe Juvin, who sits on the Social Affairs Committee. “Like several of my colleagues, I wonder about the appropriateness of such a choice (…). It seems to me that the choice of expertise would have been preferable,” judges this specialist in budgetary texts.

And to support: “The appointment of a finance commissioner would have given even more credibility to the legitimacy of our approach. » “These different points deserve to be debated and concerted,” she concludes. This letter was also sent to the president of the Republicans, Éric Ciotti, and to Philippe Juvin himself. At this point, the missive remained unanswered.

#tensions #Assembly #commission #inquiry #deficit

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