complaint was filed by the Government of Santiago 2024-04-05 21:59:35

by time news

Progress continues in the complaint filed by the Government of Santiago for the crime of damage to the National Monument of the Museum of Fine Arts. During this day, The second defendant, Valentina Lillo, was formally charged. while last Tuesday, April 2, José Gabriel Almeyda was arrested and formalized. Both are being investigated for the scratches that affected the roof of the museum’s dome in August 2022, specifically on the south-east side of the building.

Regarding this new formalization, the Governor of Santiago, Claudio Orrego, pointed out that “We have identified the people who vandalized the Museum of Fine Arts, we have them formalized and with precautionary measures, and we ask the justice system to once and for all apply severe sanctions to those who have destroyed and continue to vandalize the city that belongs to us to all.

He added that “the effectiveness of the complaints filed by public institutions is often questioned, but this is an example that they are useful and bear fruit. We will continue working to take care of Santiago, while we make efforts to paint the Alameda completely, we do not neglect other sectors of the capital. “We are giving the city back to the people.”

The Government of Santiago, through its legal team in criminal matters, actively collaborated with the Public Ministry, managing to provide information that reactivated the investigation based on the use of technology and that allowed the Investigative Police to identify those responsible. This work oriented by the Government of Santiago led to the results that we celebrate today.

After its formalization – for the crime of damage to a National Monument – ​​the Guarantee Court of Santiago, ruled on precautionary measures of national roots and prohibition of approaching less than 100 meters from the Museum of Fine Arts. In addition, setting 60 days as the deadline for the investigation of this crime.

For this crime, both defendants risk medium prison sentences (541 days) to maximum (5 years) and a fine of fifty to two hundred monthly tax units, that is, from $3,259,000 million to $13,000,000 million. , approximately.

2024-04-05 21:59:35

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