Spellemann 2024, Carina Dahl | These are this year’s Spellemann winners

by time news

THE HUB / OSLO (The online newspaper): On Thursday, the music industry’s biggest award ceremony, Spellemann 2023, will be held at the Clarion Hotel The Hub in Oslo. A total of 29 prizes will be awarded.

The winners in all categories are marked consecutively in bold.

Party music

Carina Dahl Carina Dahl 2023 Bausa Bausa 2023 Hagle Hagle 2023 Golf club Golf club 2023

This is Dahl’s first Spellemann, after having been nominated several times.

– It was about time, she shouts from the stage.

In front of Nettavisen, she does not hide the fact that she has long wanted a Spellemann, which she has now got.

– Of course I hoped for it, but I didn’t dare think that it would happen. It is very symbolic, I have worked for a long time for this. This means a lot to me, the winner tells Nettavisen, before jokingly adding:

– Tonight is really going to be celebrated. If there is no aquavit here, it clicks for me.


The Norwegian Soloist Choir, Ensemble Allegria, Grete Pedersen Bent Sørensen: St Matthew Passion Maja SK Ratkje & Nordic Affect Rökkur Lemur Critical Bands Sara Övinge / Edward Gardner / The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra Glass & Bjerkestrand: Patientia

This year’s release

Underground Egoland Choke Ending SKAAR Mad Woman Delara Shahrazad

From the stage, Amanda Delara says that she did not expect to win, and that she had therefore not prepared any acceptance speech.

– There are so many people that I have to thank who have been part of this project, who have been part of my journey, is among what the award winner says in his speech on Thursday evening.

Open class

9 degrees north Yalpanam Erland Dahlen Racoons LILJA Mirage Nils Økland, Sigbjørn Apeland Glimmer

Alternative Pop/Rock

Signe Marie Rustad Particles of Faith Oda Felicia FIRST ACT (The Huntington Chorea Project) Ea Othilde Mary, Aren’t You Tired? Tuvaband New Orders

Oda Felicia spent 16 years on the project which is still in progressand for which she has now won her first Spellemann.

The project puts into words the artist’s thoughts about his father’s illness, Huntington Chorea. The disease is hereditary, and Oda Felicia herself has a 50 percent chance of being affected by it.

– I started writing and composing the first sketches for this project in 2007, when dad fell ill, and it is the only project I have worked on. The grief I process is pervasive, devastating and terribly frightening, I so appreciate this recognition, she says from the stage.

In front of Nettavisen, she does not hide that it is special to be honored with a Spellemann.

– When my name was read out, it stirred up a lot of emotions in me. Really nice, she says.

Now there are two Spellemann winners at home, as her husband Magdi already has several Spellemann prizes in his bag.

– I have to ask Magdi to clear the space, and see if we can find a place for me, she says with a laugh and adds:

– I think he is really proud. He is also the first to hear some of my sketches when we lived together in a one-room apartment at St. Hanshaugen when I played the piano when I thought he was not awake. He is a big piece in the visual part of the EP.

Producer of the year

Vetle Junker Vetle Junker 2023 Fay Wildhagen Meeting place – a tribute to Anne Grete Preus Askjell Askjell 2023 Morten Gillebo Morten Gillebo 2023

– It means so much to get such a “geek award” for a geek like me, is one of the things she says in a thank you video.

When Nettavisen calls Wildhagen after the victory, it is difficult to get a word out of the recent winner.

She struggles to hold back her tears.

– Oh my god, says a clearly moved Fay Wildhagen to Nettavisen, and jokingly adds that she is glad she is not physically present at the Spellemann award at The Hub in Oslo.

There is no doubt that the award means a lot to Wildhagen, who says that it means extra to win something she made for a dear friend who is no longer here, the late Anne Grete Preus.

– It has cost a lot of effort, she says.

TONO’s composer

Anne Hytta Brigde Tone Elisabeth Braaten / Ebba Rydh / Per Kristian Amundrød / Håkon Thelin Edvin Østergaard: Ørenslyd Stian Westerhus SOTT Åsmund Feidje Chamber Works

Songwriter of the Year

Michelle Ullestad Hilde Skaar Kristoffer Cezinando Karlsen Lars Vaular

A tearful Hilde Skaar tells from the stage that she went through a tough period when she made her last album, “Mad Woman”, and that she shed a lot of tears when she wrote it.

Skaar also jokingly says that she had prepared herself for what she would do if she lost, namely breaking a glass.

She avoided that, as she won the Spellemann harp.

Honorary award to Ole Ivars

After performing in front of his industry colleagues in a packed The Hub, Ole Ivars was surprised with the honorary award, to huge cheers and standing ovation from everyone present in the hall.

When Nettavisen strikes up a conversation with the band, it is clear that they are surprised.

– We have seen quite a few others who have received the award, and when we stand here as winners ourselves. It is indescribable and fabulously funny, William Kristoffersen tells Nettavisen.

– None of the other guys have a fireplace for this one, but I do, says Ole Ødegård, to laughter from the others.

Shows and show pop

Ingrid Olava Flowers and Post Julie Henrikke Every time something reminds you Ingebjørg Bratland and Odd Nordstoga Langt Heimafrå Stein Torleif Bjella Nysetmåne

It is a clearly overwhelmed Ingrid Olava who speaks to Nettavisen after receiving the award:

– There is a lot to take in, and this is generally a setting in the industry with a lot of impact. To be honored at the top was very overwhelming, scary and simple, admits the artist.

This is the second time Olava has run off with a Spellemann, but this time it is completely different, she explains.

See the entire interview, in which Olava is reduced to tears, below:


Joakim Tinderholt and His Band Deadlines Marius Lien The Woodland Songbook Part 1 Spoonful Of Blues Songs From Notodden Norway Women in Blues, Rita Engedalen, Margit Bakken My Precious Blues

Children’s music

SaraLy and Unge Oslo Stars and Fireworks Microcosm Maybe a world we don’t know about Trygve Kongshavn Of course it goes Fantorangen Fantorangen’s world

The duo revealed to Nettavisen that they both started crying when they first heard about the Spellemann nomination, and that they almost missed the moment of victory on Thursday evening.

– You just got back from the toilet, points out SaraLy and laughs.

– But I don’t understand anything. This is so much fun, but we didn’t think so, they say.


Delara Shahrazad Aden Foyer The Ballet Girl EP Dagny Dagny 2023 Cezinando Blasting cold

– Many thanks to everyone who listens to my music and everyone who comes to my concerts, he says from the stage.

The artist did not appear on the blue carpet before the award ceremony, nor did he want to speak to the press after winning the Spellemann award. He walked straight past the interview area and back into the hall after receiving the harp.


Malstrøm Outer signs of inner movement Bendik Giske Bendik Giske Anja Lauvdal Farewell to Faraway Friends (Wurlitzer Improvisations 2021-23) Harald Lassen Balans

This year’s Golden Harp

Helge Westbye is the winner of Spellemann’s first Gullharpe.

– I have never seen this before, even though I have worked with Spellemann for 51 years. It is absolutely fantastic, and completely incomprehensible. I will put it on a nice shelf, he says to Nettavisen.


Sir Mark Elder / Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra / Roderick Williams / Claudia Huckle / Gemma Summerfield / Brother Magnus Tødenes / Bergen Philharmonic Choir / Edvard Grieg Kor / Collegium Musicum Choir Frederick Delius: A Mass of Life Amalie Stalheim / Christian Ihle Hadland Stravinsky/Poulenc/Debussy The Engegård Quartet Johan Kvandal: Complete String Quartets Kåre Nordstoga Masterworks from the 1930s


Rambow Lean But Satisfies Lean [BONUS] Arif To Drown A Fish Underground Egoland B-Boy Myhre Sitting Inside

Arif could not accept the Spellemannprisen himself, but sent his mother on stage to thank him for the award.

When Nettavisen talks to her, she is clearly proud of her son.

– It was not expected. I can hardly breathe, she says.

When asked where Arif is tonight, she informs him that he is too busy during the day. That is why she was told the night before the award to do it for him.

– I didn’t sleep last night, she says and laughs.

This year’s international success

Erik Smaaland Kristine Tjøgersen Caroline Ailin Furuøyen Girl in red Lise Davidsen Marius Neset


Jouska Suddenly My Mind Is Blank Niilas River Of Noise Lindstrøm Everyone Else is a Stranger FAKETHIAS Core Echo

Songwriter and producer Marit Othilie Thorvik and Hans Olav Settem appeared on stage wearing Palestinian scarves, and conveyed a clear message from the stage. Watch the acceptance speech in the video below:

Traditional music

Sidiki Camara Return to the Traditions Synnøve Brøndbo Plassen Den Lyse Dag Sigrid Moldestad Breim Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen, Arve Henriksen Stray children

Sidiki Camara received the award to full applause from the hall at The Hub on Thursday evening.

– It was very nice to be nominated, but winning is greater, he tells Nettavisen about the victory, and adds that he will place the Spellemann harp in the living room where everyone can see it.

He also expresses great gratitude for Norway and the opportunities he has been given here. His first meeting with Norway was when he was invited here by the African cultural centre.

– It was my first meeting with Norway, and then I discovered different musicians, festivals, and I am very grateful to have met the Norwegian musicians I have met, says Camara.


Krissy Mary Virago Ole Kirkeng Still Not Lost Sweetheart I Will Love You When The Morning Comes Norma Norma

– We like to call ourselves the world’s saddest rock band, but maybe not today. Today we are the world’s happiest, saddest rock band, says the duo from the stage after receiving the award.


Christ’s Bride Everything is new Sparrow Feather Arrow & Bow Special Agents Skin cancer Osyo city

Lyricist of the year

Kristoffer Cezinando Karlsen Amanda Delara Nikman Stein Torleif Bjella Ingrid Olava Brænd Eriksen

Breakthrough of the year

Rambow Alessandra Emma Steinbakken Hillary Aden Foyer Bausa


Inculter Morbid Origin RUÏM Black Royal Spiritism – 1 – The Church Bell Tsjuder Helvegr Dwaal Never Enough


Isah INSTRUMENT HILLARI How Is Your Soul? Beharie Are You There, Boy? GiddyGang & Vuyo Art Over Profit

Song of the year

Alessandra Queen of Kings Underground Michelin stars Kudos, Golfklubb Hien komm Emma Steinbakken Floden DJ MØMØ ft. Kjartan Lauritzen Badebussen Bausa Tour

Music video of the year

Lars Vaular Improv at Økern (Scene 3: Highlights) Arif x Karpe (Oh) Tåmy, Tåmy – Rifla x Sheriff Rambow WE DON’T THINK ALONG Gouldian Finch The Flamingo

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