Human rights. The Federal Chamber ordered to resolve whether it is appropriate to arrest Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado CabelloBy Hernán Cappiello

by times news cr

The Federal Chamber ordered to revoke the file of a case in which human rights violations in Venezuela are investigated and ordered the federal judge Sebastian Ramos to resolve whether it is appropriate to order the capture and investigate Nicolas Maduro y God given hair for human rights violations.

The decision is up to the judges Pablo Bertuzzi, Leopoldo Bruglia y Mariano Llorens who wrote that “it is urgent for the judge to resolve the request to summon Nicolás Maduro Moros, Diosdado Cabello and all those identified as responsible for an investigative statement and to put on trial all those responsible for the serious violations of human rights and crimes of against humanity, that were denounced in these proceedings, and all urgent precautionary measures must be ordered to allow the subjection of those responsible to the process, such as their immediate arrest order.

Recusal filed by Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s complaint against federal judge María Eugenia CapuchettiTelam

This case, which has the impetus of the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli. Judge Ramos decided to recuse himself in favor of the International Criminal Court and, consequently, ordered to archive the case. This is because in that court there is already an open case investigating human rights violations in Venezuela.

But the prosecutor appealed and the chambermaids agreed with him. They revoked the file and ordered the judge to decide whether Maduro and Cabello should be detained and investigated.

The case was initiated by a complaint from the victims of repression in Venezuela along with Stephen Gillis Townley, from the Clooney Foundation for Justice. The complainants mentioned that two Venezuelan citizens were executed by agents of the Bolivarian National Guard. They even pointed out that the immediate perpetrators would have been convicted by the Venezuelan justice system, but the search for those who intervened in the chain of command within the GNB would have been paralyzed.

Prosecutor Carlos Stornelli
Prosecutor Carlos Stornelli

He joined the case Waldo Wolff -current Minister of City Security-, sponsored by The Black Flour and representing the Argentine Forum for Democracy in the Region, in a presentation against Nicolás Maduro Moros, José Daniel Ortega Saavedra and Miguel Mario Díaz Canel, presidents of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba respectively, for alleged crimes against humanity.

Ramos filed and Now the chambermaids said that the judge cannot decide on the evidence of the International Criminal Court case that he finds on the Internet and that the case is incipient there.

Judges Bruglia and Bertuzzi said that the facts reported “They have extremely serious characteristics and would generate eventual injuries to fundamental human rights. that would force the authorization of universal protection” And they said that a decision is urgently needed, since the facts “do not admit any delay or delay in the protective measures that must be immediately adopted in order to avoid further damage to the possible rights instilled” .

They warned about the risk to the civilian population due to the violence that “would be exercised using state public power.” That is why they revoked file 2, taking into account the essential and protective purposes of the law of nations, universal jurisdiction and the avoidance of further damage.”

They spoke of an exceptional moment of emergency and that the events reported here are different from those processed by the International Criminal Court. “It is appropriate to assume the universal jurisdiction and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the judicial bodies of the Argentine Republic for due judgment,” they wrote.

They said that the prosecutor’s request must be met to produce the evidence and arrest and investigate whether it corresponds to Maduro and Cabello. That’s why “The investigating judge must be ordered to quickly implement” the necessary evidentiary measures, and that “if the legal requirements are found to be met, we proceed to call for an investigation of those accused here.”

Judge Llorens said that There is no evidence “that irrefutably certifies the opening and framing of the investigation in the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.” The judge spoke of an “urgent and necessary intervention by the Argentine Judiciary” to “neutralize dehumanizing actions.”

Stornelli requested a number of preventive measures to “counteract the aggressiveness to which the neighboring Latin American community is subjected,” he mentioned.

It is appropriate to revoke the file and “order the judge to, based on all the procedures proposed by the parties, accelerate the process by seeking direct and more agile communication channels with the ICC, to incorporate all the evidence and any other document that is essential for the cause and achieve the urgent and effective judicial protection of those who request the protection of their rights.”

And furthermore, “it is imperative that the judge resolve the request to summon Nicolás Maduro Moros, Diosdado Cabello and all those identified as responsible for an investigatory statement and that all those responsible for the serious violations of human rights and crimes of against humanity, that they were denounced.”

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