A pensioner donated an ambulance to EKAV – 2024-04-06 22:33:08

by times news cr

2024-04-06 22:33:08

Irini Paraskevopoulou offered the equipped vehicle in memory of her son for the “exceptional behavior” shown by the doctors and nurses

The EKAV fleet may be small, outdated and have… written many kilometers, with the relevant ministry not doing anything special to resolve this chronic problem, which has led to the loss of human lives, yet our fellow citizens continue to donate from their backlog!

The last kind gesture was made just yesterday, by the retired Irini Paraskevopoulou, who donated a new and fully equipped ambulance to EKAV Katerinis in memory of her son, who died a few years ago. As she stated to ERT, she decided to make this donation because of the “excellent behavior” shown by the doctors and nurses towards her at the “Agios Dimitrios” Hospital in Thessaloniki:

“The loss of my child, who “gone” unjustly, without us knowing anything, led me to this act,” she said, revealing that this money did not come from savings that she and her husband had made, but from a compensation of state, related to her military father’s heroic deeds on the Albanian front in 1940.

“This money was my father’s blood, that moved me the most” she underlined, while explaining that her father died on the Albanian front, with a bullet in his ear, during the last battles, and the State in return granted 15 acres of land in the family, which after years were expropriated for the construction of a major highway, adding that the money from the expropriation remained for years in the family’s account, until the tragic event with the death of her son.

Once that happened, she said, she made the decision with that money to donate to EKAV, stressing that it would be sacrilege for the money that came from her father’s heroism and self-sacrifice to be spent needlessly and not somehow return home to which he fought himself.


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