Damiano Carrara announces the sex of the baby on the way

by time news

April 04, 2024 10:59 am

The two, married since 2022, will soon become father and mother: with a cake they discovered whether it will be a boy or a girl

Damiano Carrara and Chiara Maggenti they will soon become father and mother.

The birth is scheduled for August and the two can’t wait anymore. For them the emotions have already begun: with a cake with a pink inside they discovered that a girl is about to arrive in the family. The pastry chef and his wife shared the video of the moment on social media to let followers share in their happiness.


Pastry chef Damiano Carrara becomes a father, here’s the gender reveal

“How many times have we asked ourselves whether the greatest love of our life would have been a him or a she, fantasizing and waiting with trepidation to discover it to dream and imagine you more concretely while waiting” wrote Damiano Carrara and Chiara Maggenti introducing the gender reveal video. “We decided to find out in our home, just the two of us (and Paco) very excited and waiting in front of the most important cake of our life which hides the sweetest discovery… You will be the greatest love of our life, our little one. Mom and dad can’t wait to meet you and hold you tight” they continued. In the short film the pastry chef cuts a slice of a cake that is white on the outside but with a pink heart. She will be female.

The emotions of Damiano Carrara and Chiara Maggenti

“I had a lump in my throat, I was tense, a tension that I have never experienced so positively,” said Chiara Maggenti. “The first to know was mum, who held on… she cried but she didn’t let anything out”, she said in a video in which she talks about her emotion with Damiano Carrara. The pastry chef adds: “It was news that we kept inside and wanted to tell everyone because I think there is nothing more beautiful in life.” Damiano made the announcement of the pregnancy during Antonella Clerici’s program.

What kind of father will chef Damiano Carrara be with his daughter?

Regarding the name of their first daughter, Chiara Maggenti explained to the weekly Chi: “I’d like to decide when I see it, at first sight.” But Damiano Carrara thinks differently: “It’s not possible, I would like to decide right away. I already have the dessert for her, I created it. All that’s missing is her signature with her name.” The pastry chef already foresees the future with a little girl at home: “I feel like crying just thinking about it, it’s going to be a mess, I’m screwed” he said, adding that he imagines himself as “a dad who spoils her”. “He is very affectionate. I will try to do what my mother did with me, be present, mother, friend, help and support in life” added his wife. “It’s our icing on the cake,” she added.


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