“Do not change the European regulations on cancer prevention”

by time news

“Even low alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer”

The Italian Alcohol Society he addressed the MEPs and sent an appeal to the SCHOLARSHIP (Committe in Beating Cancer) on the report of the same on cancer prevention.

“They have come to our attention – writes the President Gianni Testino – some amendments aimed at modifying paragraphs 15 and 16 relating to the “alcohol consumption and cancer” report.

Scientific evidence has long demonstrated the certain causal relationship between “alcohol consumption and cancer”. He has also amply demonstrated that the cause of cancer are ethanol and acetaldehyde. These substances are the basis of all types of alcoholic beverages (wine, beer and spirits). Ethanol and acetaldehyde which they are not foods have been included in Group I of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO) since 1988. In 2012, the term “alcoholic beverages” was added to group 1 to emphasize that there is no safety threshold level.

Alcohol consumption is the second leading cause of cancer deathimmediately after the cigarette smoke, the SIA note continues.

For this reason, the Italian Society of Alcoholism suggests for the good of public health and for the protection of consumers of do not change paragraphs 15 and 16.

It is a balanced text that adheres to the precautionary principle (a fundamental element in the medical sector).

All the amendments reviewed represent claims that are not consistent with scientific data, harmful to people and unethical. It is not ethical, in fact, to favor the moderate consumption of toxic and carcinogenic substances that favor 200 different pathologies including different types of cancer already with very low dosages.

Please do not privilege economic interests (even if understandable) to the detriment of the health of our citizens, but above all of our young people who do not yet have adequate information on this subject – concludes the note.

The Italian Society of Alcoholism (SIA) suggests not consuming alcoholic beverages in order to reduce cancer risk. This prudential suggestion is due to the strong scientific evidence that establishes a certain causal relationship between alcohol and the onset of neoplasms. This relationship is also present at low doses and is increased in the presence of other risk factors (smoking, overweight, genetic polymorphisms), associated chronic diseases, previous malignancies or family history of cancer. The molecules considered responsible are ethanol and acetaldehyde (the product of the metabolization of ethanol)

In Europe one Alcoholic Unit corresponds to 12 grams of ethanol which on average are found in:

125 ml of 12% wine (12% alcohol)

330 ml of 4.5% beer (4.5% alcohol)

80 ml of aperitif or cocktail at 18% (18% alcohol)

40 ml of 36% liqueur (36 degrees alcohol

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