SERIES B – Manzano collapses in Padua: salvation hanging by a thread

by time news

Padova terminus of dreams salvation of Manzano; the chair lifters crash in sight of the finish line on Venetian soil rolled 10-2 by Padua football. The performance of the gialloblù team was truly disconcerting, as they were battered by the irrepressible team Parents and partners. The day started badly after 3′ with a carom in between Kandic e Cattarin for an avoidable own goal. Manzano reacts and mixes with a paw Constantines impacts at half time. It is the best moment, but not exploited given the imprecise aim in front of goal, and Padova does not forgive. At 14′ Parents he cuts the yellow-blue defense and slips in Cattarin for the 2-1. Manzano slips in defense, portals e Parents they don’t forgive for the 4-1 at the end of the first half.
A reaction is expected at the start of the second half, but the Manzano team has a flat encephalogram, More then it extends to 5-1 Parents plays easily with the Friulian defense scoring another three goals. Manzano tries the goalkeeper’s movement, but isn’t there with his head as well as his legs Forio e Vianello from distance they expand the score to 10-1, with the goal of Kovacic upon expiry which is valid only for the scoreboard.

Match fought in Vallenoncello with Naonis who is put back together in the final by Bubi Merano who takes home the three points by winning 5-7. A see-saw first half ended at 3-3, with a brace for Neroverdi I measure and goals by Blackberrieswhile on the opposite front they hit the mark have, Bajdar e Trunzo.
In the second half Neroverde breaks with Blackberries e Orellana which extends to 5-3, it seems done but Moufakir he reopens it immediately, then climbs into the chair Mustafov who with a hat-trick overturns the result.

Last act on Saturday with the regional derby in Manzano: chair holders hanging by a thread. They will have to overcome their Naonis cousins, changing gear, however, and hope for some favorable astral conjunction from other fields.

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