Han Dong-hoon “If 200 seats are filled, a real dictatorship will begin… “Please create a cordon.”

by times news cr

2024-04-08 07:43:38

Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People Power Party’s Emergency Response Committee and general election committee chairman, is appealing for support for candidates in the Daejeon area at Noeun Station Square in Daejeon on the morning of the 7th. Reporter Song Eun-seok [email protected]

“If 200 people are filled with people who do politics without listening to the public opinion, freedom will be removed from the Constitution of the Republic of Korea. “The real dictatorship begins.”

At a campaign rally in Daejeon, South Chungcheong, and North Chungcheong Provinces on the 7th, Han Dong-hoon, Chairman of the People Power Party’s Emergency Response Committee, appealed to rally support, saying, “The Republic of Korea could be ruined.” On this day, People Power Party member Rep. Kwon Seong-dong and Yoon Sang-hyun, and former joint election committee chairperson Na Kyung-won held a press conference one after another, emphasizing “concerns about stealing illegal laws, impeaching the president, and a vegetative government,” and asked, “Please create a minimum cordon.” If the opposition party wins over 200 seats, independent constitutional amendment is possible, and if it wins 180 seats, it satisfies the requirements for fast-track designation, and it is interpreted as a strategy of fear and appeal to rally support by mentioning the chaos that will occur if this cordon is broken. . Chairman Han expressed confidence, “According to our analysis, many ‘golden crosses’ are occurring in close combat areas.” This is the first time that Chairman Han has used the expression ‘golden cross’.

At a campaign rally in Gongju, South Chungcheong Province, Chairman Han said, “Those people (the Democratic Party of Korea and the Fatherland Innovation Party) call it a prosecutorial dictatorship, and it’s not even funny.” He added, “Criminals are ignoring the public sentiment. “That is dictatorship,” he said. Chairman Han also said, “If there are 200 seats, the president’s right to request reconsideration (veto) will not work. “I’m just going,” he said. “Are you ready to face a scary world?” He also said that in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, “We will push ahead, thinking that we have obtained something like a ‘007 license to kill’ that allows us to do anything if we give 200 seats.”

Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People Power Party's general election committee, is campaigning in support of 'Reviving Cheongyang in Buyeo, Gongju through the People Power Party' held at Daehakro, Gongju University, Gongju-si, South Chungcheong Province, on the 7th.  Reporter Song Eun-seok silverstone@donga.com

Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People Power Party’s general election committee, is campaigning in support of ‘Reviving Cheongyang in Buyeo, Gongju through the People Power Party’ held at Daehakro, Gongju University, Gongju-si, South Chungcheong Province, on the 7th. Reporter Song Eun-seok [email protected]

At a campaign rally in Cheonan, Chairman Han said, “There is a very high possibility that Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party, will go to prison.” He added, “The Constitution could be changed to create the right to pardon in the National Assembly.” At the same time, he emphasized, “It may seem like a comedy, but there’s nothing it can’t do.”

Four-term lawmakers Kwon Seong-dong and Yoon Sang-hyun, and fourth-term lawmakers Na Kyung-won also raised the theory of a “200-seat crisis.” Rep. Kwon said at the National Assembly, “There is even an analysis that the opposition coalition can break through the constitutional amendment blocking line (200 seats),” and added, “Not only will they pass all kinds of evil laws in a hurry, calculating only partisan strategies, but will even impeach the president.” did. Former lawmaker Na also said, “Please create a minimum balance,” and added, “Beyond becoming a vegetable government, the National Assembly will end up in a mess talking about impeachment.” Rep. Yoon also said, “Should we extend the National Assembly for another four years, which has had an overwhelming number of seats over the past four years and has consistently been bulletproof, holding back, and speaking harshly?”

Chairman Han also continued the ‘Lee-Jo judgment argument’. He said to CEO Lee, “Every time you open your mouth, you lie. “Why don’t you eat pork belly and pretend to eat it?” On the 1st, CEO Lee wrote on Facebook, “After Gyeyang night drink, I had pork belly,” and was criticized when controversy arose over whether he had eaten beef. Chairman Han also said, “Representative Lee said that if he protects a child who has done something bad, he will become a murderer, but if he protects a criminal, the country will be ruined.” Regarding the ‘Social Solidarity Wage System’, Cho Kuk, the leader of the Fatherland Innovation Party, said, “Why do they make such a fuss about lowering our wages while they are siphoning off all the money?”

Criticism continued towards Democratic Party candidate Kim Jun-hyuk (Suwonjeong, Gyeonggi-do), who was controversial for his remarks about ‘Ewha Womans University student providing sexual favors to US military personnel’. He said, “Forcing someone to listen to obscene talk and enjoying it by looking at the listener’s facial expressions isn’t that a sexual perversion?” He added, “The Democratic Party is a misogynistic party. “It’s a sexual harassment party,” he said.

Reporter Kwon Gu-yong [email protected]

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2024-04-08 07:43:38

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