Why has it been raining so much since October in Luxembourg?

by times news cr

2024-04-08 19:26:23

The good weather over the weekend was short-lived sunshine. From this Monday onwards, you will have to pick up your umbrella again. According to MeteoLux, showers are expected at the beginning of the week.

This scenario has persisted over the last few months. So, if you’ve been thinking that it’s been raining a lot since the beginning of the year, know that it’s not just a feeling. It’s even raining more than last year. In March alone, MeteoLux recorded 73.6 liters/m2 of precipitation. This value is higher than the average value recorded between 1991 and 2020 (57 l/m2).

More rain than five years ago

Since October, precipitation has been abundant and above the reference value, with the exception of December. How can this phenomenon be explained? “There were often low pressure conditions with frontal systems that crossed our regions and caused a lot of precipitation. And, due to the almost stationary frontal systems, we sometimes had days with 10 to 15 liters/m2 in 24 hours”, explains Lucas Matthias, meteorologist at MeteoLux.

This scenario contrasts with the spring and summer of 2023, when there was “a very pronounced deficit in terms of precipitation. This year, it’s the opposite”, says the expert. More frequent precipitation implies a risk of flooding and, therefore, Meteolux has issued yellow alerts, similar to what happened last Thursday.


What is the impact of this intense rain on groundwater? “As far as drinking water supply is concerned, we have a very full reservoir, so we are optimistic about the summer. On the other hand, our underground water reserves have recovered in part from the last three dry summers. This is also good for ‘refilling’ certain springs,” Jean-Paul Lickes, director of the Water Management Administration told RTLlast Thursday.

For Lucas Matthias, it is difficult to say whether the heavy rains of recent months are linked to climate change. Although the showers will return in the coming days, according to the meteorologist it is still too early to predict what the trend will be for the rest of the month.

(Article originally published on Comma and adapted for Contacto by Tiago Rodrigues)

2024-04-08 19:26:23

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