Contrast. Massa remains silent while waiting to launch his book, while his wife dismisses charges and raises her profileBy Javier Fuego Simondet

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Sergio Massa y Malena Galmarini they are in different frequencies as far as politics is concerned. The couple adopted different profiles at the start of the president’s administration Javier Miley, winner of Massa in the runoff. While the former presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria maintains a low profile that she will abandon when she faces the promotion of a book that she will present in about twenty days, the former head of AySA has strong exposition with your opinionsalthough he rejected holding public office again, an offer that had been made to him by the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof.

At the Book Fair (which will take place between April 25 and May 13), Massa will present a text in which he will address his time as president of the Chamber of Deputies and the Ministry of Economy. It is a book whose content her entourage intends to keep strictly confidential.

The Tigrense commented, in a publication on the social networks of the Planeta publishing house (which will publish the book), that in the text he will address topics such as “the fight with the Fund [Monetario Internacional]” or “the agreement with Qatar”, as well as “the day-to-day balance and discussions in the government coalition” y “Anecdotes of businessmen who proclaim freedom, but ask for benefits from the State”. Massa also works at a foundation.

Scioli and Massa during the presentation of the former’s book, at the Teatro Avenida

But, beyond waiting for his book, Massa avoids public opinions on the situation. Those around her claim that she receives political leaders in her offices on Avenida del Libertador, but they do not confirm names. “You don’t see Sergio, but he starts every day at 9 and continues until any time,” he told THE NATION a leader of the Renovador Front. Massa’s party held its congress on March 22, electing the former Minister of Transportation as president Diego Giulianoand Massa remained in the background.

On a different note is Malena Galmarini, who left in recent days strong phrases for the internal Peronism y refused to be head of the Provincia Group, a position that Kicillof offered him. “Peronism does not lack courage or bravery, but we need time to debate. We are very foolish about discussing leadership.”, he said last Sunday in an interview with Futuröck radio. “People were crazy about us and public policies, and Milei knew how to catalyze that,” was another of his phrases. “They are her opinions absolutely hers, Massa does not get involved,” said a man of Buenos Aires massism.

“She is loose, giving her opinion on everything that she thinks as a political leader. She thinks it’s not the time to hold anything back. Before, she preserved herself a little more for her position [titular de AySA]; Today, without having a position, he shows his opinion and responds. And you have more time“, described a source close to Galmarini, in dialogue with THE NATION. Those close to Massa assure that the contrast between the styles that both show “is not something sought.”

Axel Kicillof and Malena Galmarini
Axel Kicillof and Malena Galmarini

Regarding the Buenos Aires position, Galmarini said that “he did not have much desire” and added that he rejected another offer from Kicillof. “Axel offered me to set up a Ministry of Public Services,” he stated. In her close circle they commented that Massa’s wife “thanked Axel, but she did not see the need to have a position after so many years of fighting.” Last year, Galmarini fell in the PASO de Tigre before the mayor Julio Zamorawhich truncated her intention to be the communal head of the district.

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