PBH celebrates National Library Day with decentralized cultural programming

by time news

In the month in which National Library Day (April 9), National Children’s Book Day (April 18) and World Book and Copyright Day (April 23) are celebrated, Belo Horizonte City Hall prepared a special cultural program at the Municipal Public Libraries of Belo Horizonte. Linked to the Municipal Culture Foundation (FMC), this network of libraries plays a crucial role in promoting reading and valuing literature, with varied activities for all ages throughout the year.

In April, Municipal Libraries included an intense program to promote reading in their calendar. The activities of the Children and Youth Public Library of Belo Horizonte (BPIJ-BH), the Centros Culturais Liberalino Alves de Oliveira, Lindeia Regina, Pampulha, Padre Eustáquio, São Bernardo, São Geraldo, Salgado Filho, Usina da Cultura and Venda stand out. Nova, in addition to the Lagoa do Nado Reference Center for Popular and Traditional Culture. Literary weeks, workshops, book launches, soirees, exhibitions and storytelling are among the activities offered. The complete program can be consulted on the Belo Horizonte Portal.

Municipal Libraries also offer several regular activities, such as the Reading Club, the Reading Circle, and the Reading Club, which encourage the active participation of readers. Additionally, Literary Exhibitions and Weeks provide additional opportunities for the public to engage with literature. The activities are mostly offered through the Reading Promotion Project, which recognizes reading and writing as essential for the exercise of citizenship.

In addition to regular activities, the Libraries and Reading and Writing Promotion Management, which coordinates the FMC Public Libraries network, promotes the Beagalê Seminar, which this year is in its 14th edition and will address inclusive practices in mental health. These initiatives not only enrich users’ experience, but also contribute to the fulfillment of the Municipal Culture Plan and the Municipal Reading, Book, Literature and Libraries Plan.

Special Programming | April month

The Belo Horizonte Libraries launch a special program for the month of April, dedicated to the celebration of literature and culture. With a variety of free events and activities, from exhibitions to workshops, there is programming for all ages and literary interests.

A Children and Youth Public Library of Belo Horizonte (BPIJ-BH) brings a series of activities that reflect the commitment to literature, creativity and dialogue. For children and their families, Saturday mornings are marked by “Enchanted Morning”, on the 6th, 13th and 27th, at 10am, with a moment of fantasy through storytelling, shared readings and literary workshops. The space also celebrates World Book Day (23/04), on April 20th, at 10 am, with a literary-musical presentation of “O Casamento de Dona Baratinha”, by João de Barro (Braguinha), illustrated by Avelino Guedes.

For young people and adults, BPIJ-BH offers a variety of enriching activities. Highlights include “Poetic Prose – Creative Writing Workshop”, an opportunity to exercise creativity and share experiences every Tuesday in April, at 10am. Wednesdays are reserved for the “Reading Circle”, a space for practicing reading aloud and literary reflection, at 10am. Thursdays are dedicated to the “Fifth Reading”, with the public reading of “The Hate You Sow”, by Angie Thomas, every week at 4pm. Fridays are lively with the “Weekly Meeting of Storytellers”, where experiences are shared and literary texts are selected for narration, at 10am.

On the 18th, at 7pm, there will be the launch of the book “O corpo vulnerado”, by Maria Angélica Melendi, followed by a lecture with Professor Eduardo de Jesus, editorial coordinator of the project. On the 19th, at 2pm, “Vozes da Narração de Histórias” will take place, a space for conversations about story telling and artistic practices. Once a month, the “Reading Club” meets to discuss selected works, such as “Torto Arado”, by Itamar Vieira Junior, on the 24th, at 2pm. For comics lovers, “Quadrinhos em Foco”, with discussions about “Persépolis”, by Marjane Satrapi, takes place on the 26th, at 4pm.

No Liberalino Alves de Oliveira Cultural Center, in honor of National Children’s Book Day (April 18), an exhibition of children’s books will be available throughout the month, free for all ages. Furthermore, on April 9th, Candeia will take place: International Exhibition of Artistic Narration of Belo Horizonte, with storytelling aimed at children and young people.

For young readers, the Literary Circuit offers children’s book reading followed by a visual arts workshop on Wednesdays and Fridays. And for the more creative, the workshop “O Perfeito pelo Imperfeito”, on April 18th, will provide a shared reading of the book “Apprentice of Imperfection”, followed by a creative activity.

No Lindeia Regina Cultural Center, an exhibition entitled “Inarredáveis! Mulheres Comicistas” celebrates the presence of women in the world of comics, available during library opening hours. Meanwhile, the Pampulha Cultural Center presents the 4th Literary Week, with a series of activities, including a guided tour, reading club, playful workshop, poetic moment and a special online live.

O Padre Eustaquio Cultural Center organizes a shared reading circle of stories by Machado de Assis on April 16th, followed by a debate on the work. And for poetry lovers, the Poetry Fair takes place on April 19th, with a soirée starring local poets and writers.

No Salgado Filho Cultural Center, the highlight is the launch of the children’s book “Super-Ação – O Poder dos Sentidos”, written by Lucca Bragança, on April 15th. And closing the literary month, the Venda Nova Cultural Center promotes the VII Literary Week, offering a varied program for all ages, from April 23rd to 27th.

Finally, the Lagoa do Nado Reference Center for Popular and Traditional Culture invites everyone to the Desjejum Soiree, on April 28th, with space for musical performances, reading of poems and theatrical interventions, in a free event for all audiences.

Reading Promotion Project

One of the main projects carried out by the FMC Municipal Public Libraries network is “Promoção da Leitura”, which recognizes reading and writing as fundamental elements for the full exercise of citizenship in literate societies. This project aims to decentralize activities to encourage reading and writing, including literary workshops, reading mediation, meetings with writers, among others, taking place throughout the year in all administrative regions of the city.

In 2023, 805 Reading Promotion Project activities were carried out, resulting in 26,641 in-person and 51 virtual services. In addition, there were 37,297 loans of books and periodicals, with a total of 103,596 face-to-face services in municipal libraries. This continuous flow of activities reflects the importance of libraries as dynamic cultural centers, accessible to all citizens.

Integrated Collection System | Pergamum

The Library Network uses the Pergamum system, which integrates public library collections, facilitating loans between units and providing valuable data for daily management, including user profiles. With more than 160,000 copies available for free borrowing and consultation, libraries offer access to a variety of materials, including accessible formats such as Braille, audiobooks and large fonts. To register for free, readers must go to any of the network’s libraries and present an identity document with a photo and up-to-date proof of residence. For children under 12 years of age, the presence of a legal guardian is required.


Special Program – National Library Day

Locations: Cultural Centers and Municipal Libraries

Complete schedule: Belo Horizonte Portal

Site: pbh.gov.br/rededebibliotecas

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