Worrying Decline in Vaccination Rates in Zwolle and the Netherlands: Importance of Increasing Vaccination Rates for Public Health

by time news

2024-04-09 11:11:14

Zwolle – The figures are worrying. The vaccination rate is declining throughout the Netherlands, including in our region. This is evident from the answers to questions from the Zwolle VVD by councilor Michiel van Willigen and the GGD Ijsselland.

The mayor and aldermen of Zwolle considers the health of its residents to be of great importance. GGD indicates that they notice that some people view vaccinations more critically. In addition, vaccinations have ensured that vaccinable conditions virtually no longer occur in the Netherlands, which means that some people no longer see the need to vaccinate against them. A high vaccination rate is and remains important. A lower vaccination rate reduces herd immunity and therefore increases the risk of outbreaks.

That is why the GGD advises parents (just like all GGDs in the Netherlands) to protect their children against
infectious diseases such as measles. The GGD currently has no reports of measles in the IJsselland region. GGD is closely monitoring the situation elsewhere in the Netherlands and internationally.

Increase vaccination rates

Employees of Youth Health Care (JGZ) focus on the conversation in the consultation room. GGD wants parents to make a conscious decision whether or not to vaccinate, based on the correct information. Youth health care professionals are aware of reasons to hesitate to vaccinate. Consider, for example, religious reasons, distrust in the government and not knowing the seriousness of certain childhood diseases. It
The National Vaccination Program (RVP) works well, which means that vaccinable diseases are rare in the Netherlands. This can make these diseases seem less dangerous.

In addition, the GGD uses door notes (notes on the door with more information about infectious diseases). For example, the possibility of vaccination is mentioned on the doorbell for whooping cough. Doorbells are hung up or sent by childcare centers and schools if one or more children have the infection in question.

Finally, there is room to be flexible with the vaccination schedule. If desired, vaccinations can be scheduled at a different time than recommended by the RIVM, in order to increase the willingness to vaccinate.

#High #vaccination #rates #remain #important #GGD

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