“Middle Corridor” phenomenon – West Baku speaks – 2024-04-09 15:46:33

by times news cr

2024-04-09 15:46:33

Author: Elchin Alioglu

Source: Trend

The prospects of Yerevan’s participation in the “Global Gateway” project were among the issues discussed at the meeting between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held in Brussels on April 5.

The mentioned issue was also considered in the meeting between Samantha Power and N. Pashinyan, the director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Brussels.

More precisely, reconciliation of the “Peace Road” project with “Global Gateway” was discussed, which was presented as “initiative of restoration of regional communications and launch of new logistics routes” by N. Pashinyan.

Since the end of last year, Armenia has been presenting the “Peace Pathway” as “a sign of peace, stability and development” in the South Caucasus region.

After the Brussels meeting, it is emphasized that Yerevan, in general, is a “real alternative” to the Zangezur Corridor project with the “North-South” route, which is recognized as a “project serving the interests of Russia”, and Armenia’s participation in the “Global Gateway” .

After the meeting in Brussels, Yerevan politicians, state officials and media repeat a narrative as if in a chorus: “The European Union and the United States want to see Armenia in a project worth tens of billions of dollars, the Zangezur corridor project serves the interests of Russia, therefore Azerbaijan, which is trying to implement that project, and Turkey, which does not want Russia to strengthen in the region Recently, relations between the two countries have cooled, Ankara suspects Baku of serving the interests of Russia and India.

Also, in the propaganda of the Armenians, it is stated that “the main force and initiator in the implementation of the “Middle Corridor” project is the United States.” James O’Brien, the US assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, is cited as “evidence” of this.

You know, O-Brien said that “Armenia will also benefit from the new mega-project “Middle Corridor”, because Washington’s main strategy for our region is “joint development of regional countries”.

Armenians also say that the Zangezur Corridor project “only serves the interests of Russia, Azerbaijan supports it, and Turkey and Kazakhstan firmly oppose it.”

Despite the frenzy, idiocy and absurdity, the narrative is stubbornly kept on the agenda.

It is “interesting” that the “independent blogger” who took refuge in the United States, who recently welcomed the titles of “political and public figure” and who, although he is a de jure Azerbaijani, de facto long ago chose the path of mercenary treason, repeats that narrative almost word for word. .

He posted on the YouTube channel “Unsaid: The Second “Contract of the Century” is coming. Armenia will also benefit. Why is Iran silent?” making a special issue, he insisted that Armenia will be included in the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TNR).

The “independent blogger” while voicing his completely false claims, which have nothing to do with reality, stubbornly called Zangezur the “Sunik Province of Armenia” and it was clear from what he said that the USA is against the Middle Corridor, the Middle Corridor project, in which Armenia will also take part.

Moreover, Turkey also “does not accept” the Zangezur corridor project. However, Ankara’s official position was announced at the end of November 2020: Turkey fully supports the Zangezur corridor project, considering it one of the important factors in establishing peace, stability and prosperity in our region.

Well, what is the “Middle Corridor” that the Armenians and those who repeat their narratives talk about?

… The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TBNM or “Middle Corridor”) is an international transport corridor starting from China, passing through Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, and ending in the European Union.

The route is also one of the development options of the “One Belt, One Road” international project initiated by China, which can also be considered as the restoration of the Great Silk Road.

Starting from China’s Lianyungan port, the city of Xi’an, from there to the cities of Khorgos and Dostik in Kazakhstan, then to the ports of Aktau and Kurik, from there to the port of Alat in Azerbaijan, then to the port of Tbilisi, Poti, then to Kars, Izmit, Mersin and Cherkazkoy in Turkey, and from there to the European Union includes container transport by rail and sea transport.

The route is intended to transport 10 million tons of cargo per year, including up to 200,000 containers.

Trains will run 3 times a week. It takes 12-15 days to cover the route by land.

The first stage of TBNM was put into operation in 2017, the directions Shixezi (China) – Keshla (Azerbaijan), Lianyungang (China) – Istanbul (Turkey), Ilyichevsk (Ukraine) – Dostik (Kazakhstan) are already working. Petrochemical products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, hard coal, ferroalloys, agricultural products and containers are transported in those directions.

After Russia’s military operations in Ukraine and Yemen’s Houthis’ attacks on ships in the Red Sea, the importance of the UNSC has increased.

The agreement signed on November 7, 2013 regarding the establishment of the TBNM route was signed by “Georgian Railways” JSC, “Aktau International Sea Commercial Port” JSC, “Kazakhstan Railways” JSC, “Azerbaijan Railways” JSC, “Azerbaijan Caspian Sea “Shipping” JSC, “Baku International Sea Trade Port” and “Batumi Sea Port” OJSC signed.

Later, “TCDD Transportation” (Turkey), “Ukrzaliznytsya” (Ukraine), “Lianyungang Port Holdings Group” (China), “Grampet Group” (Romania), “Anaklia Development Consortium” (Georgia) and as associated members joined the project. Uzbekistan joined.

The managing and operating company of TBNM is “Middle Corridor Multimodal”.

The European Union intends to further strengthen the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, that is, the “Middle Corridor”, by attracting 300 billion euros to the “Global Gateway” project and spending it on infrastructure projects in Central Asia, as well as in Azerbaijan and Georgia.

In the present period, when the conflict between Russia and the West in Ukraine has intensified, and the United States has created obstacles to the realization of China’s plans in East Asia, the European Union wants to use all its capabilities to encourage Azerbaijan, Georgia, and especially the Central Asian countries to participate more actively in the “Middle Corridor” project.

The EU is ready to cooperate with the Organization of Turkic States (TDT), which it previously welcomed with great concern, in order to realize its plans.

The goal of Brussels is to prevent the increase of influence of Russia and China in Central Asia and the South Caucasus.

It should be recalled that last year, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s and then French President Emmanuel Macron’s visits to Central Asia were officially different, but the essence was the same. Blinken was trying to build a position against Russia in the region, and Macron was trying to solve the uranium shortage in France after the French were expelled from Niger by buying from Central Asia, but both of them are eager to push the regional states to a policy oriented towards the West.

The strategic plan “Build Back Better Plan”, which the USA applies to Central Asia and the South Caucasus, is also at the level we are talking about.

One of the main issues to be discussed at the European Union-Central Asia summit scheduled to be held in Uzbekistan in the middle of this year is the “Middle Corridor” project.

Valdis Dobmrovskis, the High Commissioner for Trade Affairs of the European Union and the Vice-Chairman of the European Commission, stated that one of the main plans of Brussels for the region is to develop a global transport corridor project from Asia to Europe by passing through the Caspian Sea.

In other words, the European Union is talking about the “Middle Corridor” which passes directly through Azerbaijan and in which our country takes a significant place.

The overland routes of the Central Asian countries to the European Union pass through Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran.

The Russian option is an exception, as Brussels and Moscow have cut ties due to the military operations in Ukraine. The Iranian route is also unrealistic, since the relations of the European Union with Iran are very weak, and the numerous sanctions imposed by the West against Iran remain in force.

The only option and opportunity is the route through the Caspian Sea and then through Azerbaijan.

It is for this reason that the European Union intends to invest 20 billion euros in the “Middle Corridor” at the initial stage, and 280 billion euros later.

All this should not mean that Azerbaijan’s relations with Russia are weakening or that the “Middle Corridor” is against Moscow’s interests.

Along with Azerbaijan, Russia is an important partner for all the countries of the region and will remain so.

Moreover, let’s not forget that our country has implemented the “North-South” and “3+3” projects together with Russia.

As for Armenia and those who repeat the narratives of Armenian propaganda, we advise them to leave the world of dreams and see reality.

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