Mahatma Gandhi Granddaughter Ela Gandhi, did the organization created by Mahatma Gandhi deliberately distance itself from Hindu worship? When questions were raised, granddaughter answered – mahatma gandhi granddaughter ela gandhi refuted claim on phoenix settlement over avoiding hindu puja – 2024-04-09 19:48:41

by times news cr

2024-04-09 19:48:41
Johannesburg: Ela Gandhi, South African peace activist and granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi, said that hatred, enmity and violence are not part of any religious teaching and those who promote them in the name of religion are presenting a wrong interpretation of their religion for ulterior reasons. are doing. He advised to stay away from such people. Some posts recently shared on social media claimed that ‘Gandhi Development and Phoenix Settlement Trust’ had deliberately skipped Hindu puja at an interfaith gathering organized at ‘Phoenix Settlement’. ‘Phoenix Settlement’ was founded by Mahatma Gandhi. Ila said this in response to these social media posts.

Gandhi’s granddaughter said- all religious texts are good

“All religions and scriptures tell us to be good, kind and loving people,” Ila said. Hatred, hostility and violence are not part of our religious teachings. Those who promote such acts in the name of religion are misinterpreting their religions for deceitful reasons and should be avoided.”

Ila, president of the ‘Gandhi Development and Phoenix Settlement Trust’, said such steps were “an attempt to create division between the Hindu and Muslim communities and to isolate Gandhiji and me from the Hindu community.” “It is important to publicly state the facts so that the deceitful efforts being made can be stopped now,” it said in an open letter.

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Invitation was sent to Hindu organizations

“I myself had invited many Hindus individually and many Hindu religious leaders collectively to perform Hindu puja at this event,” Ila said, referring to invitations sent to four Hindu organizations. Said that these organizations could not attend the program due to other commitments.

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