Abortions, the number rises to 800 per year: over 85% of doctors object – Bolzano

by times news cr

2024-04-10 05:10:06

BOLZANO. Voluntary interruptions of pregnancy, in jargon «Ivg». In Italy the 70% of doctors are conscientious objectorsma he absolute record goes to Alto Adige. Province in which there are on average around five hundred voluntary terminations of pregnancy per year. A number that did not decrease even during the years of the pandemic and which marked a peak in 2022with almost 800 abortion.

This can be seen from the response provided by the provincial health councilor Hubert Messner to a question from Green councillors Zeno Oberkofler, Brigitte Foppa e Madeleine Rohrer.

«In Italy, although abortion is a right, 70% of gynecologists refuse to perform it, leading to discrimination and overwork for those who practice it. This hinders access to abortion, complicating an already difficult choice. Clandestine abortions reach 12-15 mila cases, partly due to access difficulties. Alto Adige records the84% objectors, the highest rate in Italy». This is the premise of the Greens, which is reflected in the response of councilor Messner.

How does the provincial government intend to guarantee the right to abortion? How do you want to support women who decide to have an abortion? ask the Greens.

Messner replies: «Women who opt for voluntary termination of pregnancy or who request information on the matter can contact the gynecology departments of the ASL hospitals where information interviews are carried out. If the service (IVG) is not offered there, the patient will be sent to the competent clinic of thehospital in Bolzano or Merano».

The Greens therefore ask: How many doctors are authorized to perform abortions in South Tyrol? How many refuse to practice it? What are the reasons why doctors decide not to carry them out?

In Bolzano, this is the answer, come on 18 are qualified, 6 practice abortion. A Merano 6 out of 20. A Silandro, Bressanone e Brunico are zero respectively on 9, 18 e 17 enabled. In all, 12 are 82. L’85%. The reasons of the doctors not available to the IVG, «They are intrinsic to the conscientious objection foreseen by the law».

The Greens ask: Does the Province want to do something to reduce the particularly high number of conscientious objectors? What initiatives do you want to undertake?

L’Asl, replies Messner, «He urged the relevant managers to intensify their efforts to extend the offer». The ASL «is not aware of any illegal abortions practiced in Alto Adige». Neither statistics nor estimates.

But are there data regarding the number of women who decide to undergo an abortion in other regions or abroad? If there are, how many were there in the years 2013-23?

The ASL, the response, «is not aware of the number of women who perform an abortion in another region of Italy or abroad. For such cases the reasons are most likely attributable to personal reasons». DA.PA.

2024-04-10 05:10:06

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