Cameroon: Rémi Magloire Etoua, new rector of the University of Yaoundé 1 – 2024-04-10 12:25:44

by times news cr

2024-04-10 12:25:44

It’s official ! Professor Rémi Magloire Etoua takes the reins of the University of Yaoundé 1, succeeding Professor Maurice Aurélien Sosso who has been admitted to retirement. A change in leadership which augurs new prospects for this prestigious academic institution.

An eloquent past at the University of Bertoua

Before his appointment as head of the University of Yaoundé 1, Professor Rémi Magloire Etoua proved himself as rector of the University of Bertoua. His record in this position testifies to an unfailing commitment to academic excellence and the influence of his establishment. Valuable assets that he intends to put to the service of his new mission, as he confided exclusively to

An ambitious roadmap

For the new rector, this appointment is above all a stimulating challenge. “The University of Yaoundé 1 is a flagship of Cameroonian higher education. My ambition is to consolidate its achievements and resolutely place it in a dynamic of innovation and openness to the world,” he declared when taking office.

Among its priorities: the modernization of infrastructures, the strengthening of scientific research, the internationalization of programs and the employability of graduates. Large-scale projects which will require the involvement of all the university’s key players.

A tribute to his predecessor

Professor Etoua did not fail to salute the work of his predecessor, Professor Maurice Aurélien Sosso. “I fully appreciate the extent of the task that awaits me and I would like to pay a vibrant tribute to Professor Sosso for his enlightened leadership and his unfailing dedication to our alma mater“, he underlined with emotion.

A beautiful proof of humility and recognition which honors the new rector and testifies to his desire to be part of continuity while leaving his personal mark.

A bustling university community

The arrival of Professor Rémi Magloire Etoua at the head of the University of Yaoundé 1 arouses immense hope within the university community. Students, teachers and administrative staff have great hopes for this new leadership to propel their institution to new heights.

We can bet that the new rector will be able to bring together all these energies to meet the multiple challenges that await him and raise the colors of the University of Yaoundé 1 high on the national and international academic stage. The entire team wishes him every success in this exciting mission!

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