The call that alerted the triple homicide in Alto Hospicio – 2024-04-10 15:42:11

by times news cr

2024-04-10 15:42:11

This Wednesday a call to a local radio station warned about a suspicious attitude at the pet cemetery. Hours later, the macabre discovery of three bound bodies was confirmed.

The discovery of three people dead and tied inside two vehicles near the Alto Hospicio pet cemetery, caused a great impact on the community. Even more so because the triple homicide could have links to organized crime.

Specifically, the event occurred in the route A-616, where workers noticed two abandoned cars. After making contact with the Carabineros, the authorities went to the scene and confirmed the discovery of three bound bodies.

After that, it was reported that the three people They were murdered with machetes. Regarding the victims of the crime, they are two men aged 26 and 24 and a woman aged 30, all of Chilean nationality.

“The way this crime is committed is by beating, with a machete. All the victims were tied hand and foot (…) It gives us light that we are facing an illegal act within the context of organized crime.“Detailed prosecutor Trinidad Steinert.

Regarding the investigation, the authority maintained that will remain confidential until identifying the perpetrators of the crime. To this end, “all the procedures are being carried out by the Homicide Brigade in terms of examining cameras, witnesses, verifying fingerprints and we hope to have results soon,” he added.

The call to a local radio

This finding was discovered after a suspicious call to a local radio station at around 6:50 in the morning this Wednesday.

The man who established telephone contact with Radio Paulina alerted about a group of people in the pet cemetery, which caught his attention due to the time they were there.

In this sense, the auditor consulted the host of the program: “Good morning. Who comes to bury a dog at 6:30 in the morning? Could it be a dog they are coming to bury?“.

Faced with this situation, the announcer, without understanding what was happening, responded: “What a strange thing“.

It could be your pet, but if you think it is something else, call the Carabineros to investigate.“added the radio host. After that, the man told him: “I only saw a vehicle burying a dog. Or do you like the smell of a dead animal?”

However, the bodies were not found buried in that place, but were inside two cars.

Regarding this information that could be key, the prosecutor assured: “The call could also be relevant, and therefore we hope that we can identify that person in the shortest possible time to see if they can give us some further information,” she concluded.

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