Uncovering Hidden Triggers for Physical and Psychological Complaints: Food Intolerance, Stress, and Sleep Quality

by time news

2024-04-10 18:12:48

Nowadays more and more people are suffering from physical problems. This can be triggered by various illnesses. However, there are a variety of other triggers that lead to an impairment of one’s well-being. These are often not perceived as the cause of the symptoms. Most of the time we first look outside for the origin of our physical or psychological complaints. For many people, the search involves numerous examinations, tests and visits to the doctor. This leads to additional stress and is not always the solution to the problem. But which hidden triggers can lead to physical complaints and how do we discover them?

Food intolerance is often the main reason

Numerous complaints can be traced back to the wrong diet. An unbalanced diet promotes deficiency symptoms. The body is supplied with insufficient amounts of nutrients. This in turn can lead to physical complaints such as pain, general listlessness or inflammation in the body. The same applies to the consumption of “wrong” foods. Allergies or inflammation can also be the consequences of food intolerance. Many people are not aware that they have intolerance to different foods. If there is lactose intolerance, this is often manifested by complaints of the gastrointestinal tract. Lactose intolerance can therefore be discovered quickly.

The situation is different with an intolerance to foods containing gluten. In professional circles, this intolerance is known as celiac disease. The result is that vital nutrients are not properly absorbed by the intestines. This is especially true for vitamins, iron and calcium. As a result, deficiency symptoms increasingly occur. Having celiac disease should not be taken lightly, as the risk of colon cancer can be increased. A gluten-free diet can help. It impresses with a balanced and healthy menu. The foods are high quality and well tolerated, so that the body is supplied with all vital elements. In addition, thanks to a gluten-free diet, deficiency symptoms are prevented and existing complaints are reduced until they disappear completely.

Anyone who suffers from physical or psychological complaints and has not been able to find an answer through examinations or tests should take a look at their diet. Your own diet is often a trigger for the symptoms. With the help of an adapted change in diet, we can improve our health and effectively prevent physical suffering.

Stress and little sleep

Another cause of physical or psychological impairments is an increased level of stress. Especially nowadays, more and more people are suffering from increasing stress. There is also a lack of time and opportunities to reduce this. Constant stress can make us sick in the long term. It shows itself through early signs that are often taken lightly by many people. We should avoid this at all costs, because once stress becomes chronic, the consequences can be devastating. In addition to mental illnesses, stress also promotes physical illnesses. Many people with an increased level of stress suffer from tension or the common disease of back pain. The muscles are constantly tense, which causes pain. Light relaxation exercises or sporting activities can help.

But stress also leads to a reduction in the quality of sleep. Sleep disorders are often due to too much stress. The same applies to the wrong mattress, because it doesn’t provide any relaxation. We should therefore pay attention to the right mattress that provides relief for our muscles, joints and spine. The more restful sleep we have, the healthier we are.

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