Behind the scenes of the dismissal of Miguel Acuña from Channel 13 – 2024-04-11 00:09:39

by times news cr

2024-04-11 00:09:39

After the labor immunity he enjoyed ended, the journalist was informed of his dismissal.

This Friday the dismissal of Miguel Acuña from Channel 13 was announced. six months after the traffic accident in which he was involved, where ran over four peopleincluding a minor, in Lampa.

The incident occurred at the end of October last year, when the journalist hit a group of drunken cyclists with his vehicle, as The alcohol test showed that he had 1.8 grams of alcohol in his blood.

Given this, Miguel Acuña was formalized for driving while intoxicated resulting in minor, less serious and serious injuries, so his driver’s license was retained.

For its part, The Press Department took it off the screen immediately, while Acuña used social networks to regret what happened.

“Today I am fully aware of the mistake I made and the damage caused to the people affected and to those who for years have trusted me and my work,” indicated in his statement.

Meanwhile, Miguel Acuña presented a medical license that kept him out of work, in addition to the fact that he had immunity – that is, he could not be fired – since the channel’s officials were in full collective bargaining.

Regarding his judicial situation, the professional is close to reaching an agreement with the people he ran over and thus be able to end the process against him.

After the labor jurisdiction ended, Acuña was summoned by the Press Department to inform him of his dismissal, which was explained by Channel 13 as part of a “restructuring.”

Faced with this new panorama, LUN stated that, Although the journalist is sad about his departure from the TV station, he is focused on leaving the judicial process for the accident behind him.

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