The broken leg of the Notary’s lawyer stalled the case for the death of a young man who was hit by a forester with a Mercedes – 2024-04-11 05:03:26

by times news cr

2024-04-11 05:03:26

  • 20-year-old Dimitar Doinov was run over on the Borovets-Samokov road, Ivan Videnov is charged
  • Supporting the boy’s mother and father in the courtroom were also parents of other children killed by reckless drivers

The broken leg of lawyer Velimir Atanasov was the reason why the case for the death of 20-year-old Dimitar Doinov, killed on the Borovets-Samokov road, did not go to the Sofia District Court. The young man was found in the early morning of April 17, 2022, right next to the “Borovets” sign at the beginning of the resort. More than a month later, Ivan Videnov from Samokov, a forestry employee, was charged.

Turns out he is

drove under

the impact

of alcohol

On Wednesday, the Sofia District Court had to hold the dispositive hearing in the case. However, it was postponed to June 12. The reason – Videnov’s lawyer – Velimir Atanasov, is in hospital because he has a broken leg. The lawyer’s name has become particularly popular in recent months following the scandal with Martin Bojanov-Notariusa. The two had joint companies until 2018, and according to Atanasov himself, he represented Bojanov in his divorce case with his penultimate wife. The lawyer also turned out to be a protected witness in the “Eight Dwarfs” case.

In the case of the death of 20-year-old Dimitar Adv. Atanasov had sent a colleague who explained that the defender tripped on the stairs, fell and broke his leg. From his words, it first emerged that the incident had probably happened minutes ago. From the subsequent clarification, however, it became clear that it happened in January, and the sick leaves from “Pirogov” were renewed periodically, the last one being from March 18 to April 16.

Lawyer Emanuil Yordanov, who is the trustee of Dimitar’s parents – Hristina and Dimitar Doinovi, insisted that a backup defense attorney be appointed so that the trial would not be delayed any longer. Judge Andon Mitalov granted the request and ordered Atanasov to present his sick leave at the next hearing.

Relatives of the family claim that

albeit with taken away

booklet, Videnov


to drive

He was charged long after the tragedy that took place on the Borovets-Samokov road on April 17, 2022. Dimitar and his friend Kristiyan were at a disco in the resort, but failed to get a taxi. Then Christian called his mother to pick them up. The boys decided to walk until she arrived. At one point, right next to the “Borovets” sign, a car ran over Dimitar. A man got off it and told Christian to come closer. However, the young man got scared and ran into the forest. The boy was found two hours later in shock.

To support Dimitar’s parents, parents of other children killed on the road, united in the “Angels on the Road” foundation, were in the courtroom.

Before the case started, they also had a protest outside the Courthouse to draw attention to the low penalties that reckless drivers who cause death on the road receive, but also to

the difficulties in

the preparation of

the expertise

that slow things down

On the stairs in front of the court were the mother of 14-year-old Filip Arsov – Nikolina Petkova. The boy was run over on the footpath on “Gurko” Street. Also the mother of 19-year-old Victoria – Maria Sulinadzhieva. The girl was also killed on a footpath by a bus on the capital’s “Gotse Delchev” Blvd. in October 2022. There is no ready indictment in the case yet. The parents of 15-year-old Nikola from Saedinenie, who died on the road on November 12, 2021, were also here.

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