Murder of Mikael in Skärholmen: National Outrage and Investigation Updates

by time news

It was early on Wednesday evening that 39-year-old Mikael was shot to death in Skärholmen in Stockholm. The murder took place in front of the eyes of his twelve-year-old son. It was also the boy who called 112 about the shooting.

The course of events during the fateful evening is not yet clear, but media reports state that Mikael was shot after confronting a group of young people.

The deed has shook Skärholmen basically. It has also aroused both despair and anger at the national level. On Thursday evening, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) visited the murder scene, among others.

Ola Österling says that the police’s investigation into the murder is ongoing at full strength.

– We have held a large number of interrogations. In some cases, people who have information to provide have been questioned several times.

He points out that the information from the interrogations is added to an extensive image material obtained from the many surveillance cameras in Skärholmen. In addition to this, the trace protection that was done during the crime scene investigation is added. There is thus technical evidence in the case.

– There we have received answers from certain analyses, we are still awaiting answers from other analyses. All of this is included in a preliminary investigation that will form as razor-sharp a timeline as possible, which can ultimately show us who or whom we can direct suspicions against, says Ola Österling.

More detailed than he doesn’t want to be like that.

– Where we are right now, we will not make public. What I can ascertain is that no one has been deprived of their liberty, yet.

During Friday, a large number of police officers will be on site, among other things mounted police officers will move around the area.

– We are very well aware that a crime like this creates anxiety in civil society, and we have an enormous amount of respect for that. We are there to, hopefully, reduce that worry.

– We answer questions, but we are also there to listen. In addition, we collect observations that people may have made and that we are very interested in adding to the preliminary investigation.

Ola Österling says that his colleagues in the field tell us that the atmosphere in Skärholmen is now very subdued.

– Many have questions. Some are angry, and those are perfectly natural reactions.

There is a concern that the murder of Mikael may discourage people from showing civil courage. Andreas Bagoly, acting local police area manager in Skärholmen, says that he understands that the fatal shooting creates discomfort among the population.

– I realize that it can feel unpleasant in this situation, but it is an absolute prerequisite to bring about a change. So that we all dare to influence to some extent, big or small.

How should one act as a citizen?

– It is difficult to give a general answer, everyone has to decide that in the specific situation. But at the very least, we hope that people dare to inform the police, says Andreas Bagoly.

He does not want to comment on the extent to which information is received from the local community in Skärholmen regarding the murder.

– But there are many people who seek contact with us.

Read more:

“He saw his father get shot dead”

Residents demanded answers when ministers visited Skärholmen

The residents of Skärholmen are the most unsafe in Stockholm

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